Erwin Junker Machinery Inc.

New linear motors and well proven hydrostatic guides in the 6S and 6L grinding machine series open up new potential. Higher speeds, various detailed improvements and optimized ease of maintenance result in shorter cycle times, maximized quality and cost savings. The expanded modular concept for the table assemblies makes the platform 6 grinding…
Junker demonstrates its pioneering spirit to use complete machining in rotor production. The JUMAT 6L 40-30 grinding machine works on complex workpiece geometries for rotor pairs in profile and Quickpoint machining in a single clamping process.
The Junker Group has extended its range of grinding machines: With its new Zema corundum line, the company offers efficient solutions for conventional grinding. Versatile, robust, durable – Junker corundum grinding machines fulfill the requirements of series production for a wide range of different workpieces. The CNC grinding machines grind…
As increasingly stringent carbon emissions regulations are being imposed on the automotive industry, one solution to ensure compliance with these regulations is with variable engine timing using cam pieces. The JUCAM 1S from JUNKER specializes in the ultraprecise, efficient grinding of cam pieces.
When manufacturing small components with a diameter of between 2 and 20 mm, the GRINDSTAR grinding machine from JUNKER offers an economical alternative to turning. From batch sizes of 200,000, short cycle times and a long workpiece service life can drive down costs per workpiece by up to 25 percent.
With the new JUMAT 6S 18-20-18, the engineers at JUNKER have once again expanded their proven portfolio. The simultaneous use of three grinding wheels guarantees maximum quality by utilizing a single clamping set up with an extremely short grinding time, according to the company.
The Junker Group says its ingenuity and expertise are put on display with the flexible, high-performance QUICKPOINT grinding machine. High-speed grinding combines Junker precision with maximum flexibility.
JUNKER builds a new platform for cylindrical and non-cylindrical grinding of workpieces with a swing diameter of 470mm and a part length capacity of up to 4,800mm, initially applied for grinding of large crankshafts.
Junker Group's RETROFiT service provides many benefits for customers by modernizing used machines and bringing them up to the latest technical standards. Compared with purchasing a new machine, RETROFiT supplies savings of up to 60%. Renault Portugal SA took advantage of this program and opted to retrofit two Quickpoint cylindrical grinding…
The Weifuautocam Precision Machinery Corporation from Wuxi, China is using a Grindstar profile and cut-off machine from Junker for the production of adjusting screws for high-pressure hydraulic pumps. Weifuautocam, a part of the Weifu Group, began collaborating with Junker in 2000.
Kratzer GmbH & Co. is a Offenburg, Germany-based precision manufacturer of components made from a wide range of materials that must meet the exacting standards required by its high-tech cuustomers. The company meets these specifications in part through investing in state-of-the-art equipment including grinding machines, machining centers,…
Linamar Powertrain GmbH produces connecting rods with extreme efficiency, and consistently fulfills the OEM‘s quality requirements. With its quick retooling feature, the Saturn double-surface grinding machine from Junker is not only flexible but also an economical and reliable solution for the precision production of diverse connecting rods.
The ThyssenKrupp Crankshaft Co. in Danville, Illinois, operates up to 21 shifts per week to produce forged crankshafts for the North American heavy-duty automotive, truck, and engine markets. Meeting production needs requires precise technology, including a Zema Numerika GH1500 grinding machine from Junker.
Effective complete machining of DAF camshafts for commercial vehicles is based on the sophisticated interplay between high performance high-performance linear motors, ultra-precise in-process measuring systems and easily accessible components. The Dutch truck manufacturer is extending its camshaft machining operations by adding the modular concept…

Video supplement on grinding machines provided by Junker.

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Erwin Junker Machinery Inc. is extending an open invitation to visit its showroom in Elgin, Ill.  The company is showcasing grinding machines from JUNKER and Zema, as well as industry leading air filtration units from LTA Industrial Air Cleaning Systems Inc.