KISTERS North America has released version 2020.0 of its 3DViewStation product family. The new version features additions and enhancements that assist users in the area of repurposing their CAD data. For instance: V2020.0’s new neighborhood search features, the option to merge selected objects to a single one, a faster, more accurate clash detection and the ability to semantically search PMI. KISTERS provides visualization applications for the Windows desktop, web (via any HTML5 browser) as well as a VR edition.
One major focus of development was to increase the value of 3DViewStation’s clash detection function. “We did a complete redesign of our clash. Enjoy: much faster performance, many more options to calculate values of interest and a much more satisfying display of results.” said Kelly Baumann, KISTERS North America Business Development Manager. “We believe that, in addition to performance speed, an intuitive and attractive user interface is truly the key to user acceptance and the key to preventing staff from reverting to legacy methods and habits. 3DViewStation v2020.0 introduces a fresh new set of easily applied color schemes. In addition, users can now change the color of render wires on a model by changing from the default black color to a variety of color options.”
“For further ease-of-use in V2020.0, we have added a new option, which allows users to select several subassemblies inside the structure tree and it then allows for the merging of each sub-tree to a single object – resulting in a reduced number of nodes. This might simplify the future processing of an assembly for our customers, re-selecting a merged group of objects instead of individual parts for clash detection.” Baumann stated.
One frustrating area in the reuse of CAD data can present itself when 2D drawings contain a set of fonts that are typically not included with the drawing file, but, will need to be installed on the local system in order to render the drawing correctly.
“KISTERS’ development and enhancements always follow a customer-centric approach. After reviewing our customer’s most important requirements for 2D drawings, we created 2D font substitution via a customizable table.” she added. “At this point in time, we allow the user to substitute all fonts to a configurable, single one. 3DViewStation will now prompt, if one or several fonts could not be found and it allows the user to maintain a font substitution table - assigning different fonts to each one that was not able to be located.”
Known for its modern user-interface, high performance viewing, advanced analysis and integration capabilities into leading systems, 3DViewStation ships with current and mature importers for a broad range of 3D and 2D formats including i.e. Catia, NX, Creo, SolidWorks, SolidEdge, Inventor, JT, 3D-PDF, STEP, DWG, DXF, DWF, MS Office and many more.
V2020.0 Upgrades Include:
New and updated file formats:
- Import 3D: NX 1899, Parasolid 32, Revit 2020, Revit reading performance improvement
- Import 2D: CATIA: V5-6R2020 (R30), NX: 1899, 1903, 1904, 1907
New and updated functions:
- Fresh UI layout with several color schemes
- Supports the evaluation processes of our customers:
Located in the application settings, there are now options to select UI configurations according to available optional modules - Faster launch of 3DViewStation Desktop
- Neighborhood search (Linear, Box Trap, Shpere)
- Edge color (wire) is customizable, several options
- Merge objects: merge all selected objects to a single one or to several by selected sub-assembly
- Re-design of clash detection:
much faster and more accurate
calculation of intersection curves, penetration depth and volume
more display options, better presentation of results - Font recognition and replacement for 2D drawings (advanced 2D file formats only)
- "Filter" has been renamed to: "Search"
- Searching Semantic PMI has been added
- Introduction of a status bar, information available for display will grow over time
- Discontinuations:
we eliminated HiCAD file format support
we eliminated 32-bit 3DViewStation Desktop version
According to Baumann, the KISTERS 3DViewStation is continuously enhanced in response to customer needs and requirements. It is available as Desktop, VR-Edition and HTML5 WebViewer product-versions. KISTERS VisShare, the online collaboration solution, leverages 3DViewStation WebViewer. All product flavors are intended to be used together with a PLM, ERP or other management system product configuration or service and spare part applications, providing all necessary APIs. For cloud, portal and web-solutions, there is an HTML5-based WebViewer solution available, which does not require client installation. All file formats can be used in combination with the intelligent navigation and hyperlinking features to address needs of complex integration scenarios.
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Related Glossary Terms
- computer-aided design ( CAD)
computer-aided design ( CAD)
Product-design functions performed with the help of computers and special software.
- web
On a rotating tool, the portion of the tool body that joins the lands. Web is thicker at the shank end, relative to the point end, providing maximum torsional strength.