DDS Incemental Encoders

SICK announced the launch of its DDS36 and DDS50 incremental encoders. They are low-cost, light duty optical incremental encoders that offer an exceptional price/performance ratio, according to the company. The DDS36 encoders have a 36mm housing and the DDS50s have a 50mm housing, making them ideal for applications where space is a premium.

The DDS series of encoders can be used in light-duty applications that require reliable speed feedback with pulses per revolution between 100 and 2,500. With an IP 65 enclosure rating, these encoders are ideal for outdoor use, and can be used for positioning of overhead cranes, rail/transfer cars, in robotic applications, and rack and pinion arrangement material, and speed detection during critical manufacturing processes.

Key features:

Small size and low profile make these an excellent solution for applications with limited installation space

The DDS encoders have an exceptional price/performance ratio

Both come standard with an IP 65 enclosure rating, which is unique in this class of encoder

Wide variety of mounting brackets and flexible couplings ensure quick and low-cost installation on a machine