TCI Precision Metals

Machine-Ready Blanks from TCI Precision Metals help shops increase throughput up to 25%. With a single purchase order customer receive custom precision blanks ready to load directly into their CNC machining centers. Precision blanks eliminate the need for in-house sawing, grinding, flattening, squaring operations and outside processing. Each blank…
Raptor-ready dovetail blanks from TCI Precision Metals are custom produced to your specifications and are machine-ready—order from one to thousands with quick turnaround. Each Raptor-ready dovetail blank includes a dovetail feature to match your specified fixture model and arrives machine-ready to go from receiving directly into your CNC machining…
TCI Precision Metals ships custom, precision Machine-Ready Blanks throughout the U.S., saving shop owners time and money, while increasing production capacity by 25 percent or more.
Kip Hanson
Feature Article

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TCI Precision Metals launched a program to provide customers with first article sample parts on request with accompanying production volume quotation.