Cutting Tools

Register for cutting tool online sessions

Dormer Pramet is launching a webinar series to occur the fourth Friday of every month. The first three sessions are open for enrollment. These 30-minute sessions, which will be led by round tool and indexable product experts, are free and designed to expand participants' knowledge of cutting tools. The webinars are geared toward professionals in the fields of sales, technical support and customer service.

US cutting tool consumption up 8 percent in October

October U.S. cutting tool consumption totaled $198 million, according to the United States Cutting Tool Institute, Cleveland, and The Association for Manufacturing Technology, McLean, Va. This total, as reported by companies participating in the collaborative Cutting Tool Market Report, was up 13.2 percent from September’s $174.92 million and up 17.2 percent when compared with the $169 million reported for October 2016. With a year-to-date total of $1.835 billion, 2017 is up 8 percent when compared with 2016.