Machining (CNC)

LoadAssistant Robotic System

HALTER’s LoadAssistant is a robotic system for loading workpieces into CNC machines. It is a universal for both CNC lathes and machining centers, with a rotating loading system that can handle a large range of workpieces quickly. It assists in increasing production output and improves profit immediately, even when dealing with small batches, according to the company.


Kurt ToolBlox feature an open-cage design weighing 30 percent less than a solid tombstone with aluminum subplates, making easier handling for the CNC machine table and shuttle systems. The ToolBlox class 30 gray iron iron construction continues to provide the vibration damping for a rigid setup even compared to much heavier tombstone alternatives.

Soft Jaw Blanks

Soft jaw blanks from Dillon Jaws feature a milled surface on the jaw end, opposite to the clamping surface, which serves as an easy-locating feature. This datum serves as a location point for positioning the counter-bored holes and the jaws’ serrations resulting in exact dimensional matching of Dillon jaw sets.

Tool Repair vs. Tool Remanufacturing

Traditional manual indexable tool repair methods can place limitations on the feasibility of repairing more than moderate pocket damage. GKI says its process using 4- and 5-axis CNC machines removes the damage completely and replaces it with new metal, resulting in a superior-quality tool while enhancing GKI’s ability to repair tooling that other repair houses would likely turn away as “beyond repair.”

s181 Mill-Turn Center

Bumotec has launched the s181 turn-mill center, a compact cost effective multifunction machine targeted at industries such as micromechanic, aerospace, medical and surgical instruments, as well as watch and jewelry. Derived from the well-known Bumotec s191 linear CNC turn-mill center, the new s181 is a 5- to 9-axis unit targeted at single-setup machining of complex and high-precision workpieces.

Expert CADCAM Version 19

JETCAM announced the launch of Version 19 of its Expert CADCAM and nesting software, featuring several major new features and hundreds of improvements across the software. Several features focus around nesting. Multi-sheet nesting takes advantage of JETCAM’s powerful high-performance nesting module to nest parts across multiple sheets at a time, drastically improving overall material efficiency while taking less time to generate the nests.

cDD Diamond Dressers

Meister Abrasives USA, Inc. has introduced a new generation of cDD Diamond Dressers that deliver certified tool radius tolerances, which are essential for most demanding microprecision grinding applications. The radius form tolerance of these new microprecision diamond dressers can be certified accurate to within 2μm (+/-0.001mm) if the application requires.