

When implementing design improvements to the ALTERA C HA, particular attention was paid to upgrading the moving bridge. The spread of the air bearings supporting the main drive leg has been widened to increase the stiffness of the bridge assembly by 17 percent overall, which is particularly beneficial during high-speed movements. Advantages to the user are considerable, as measuring uncertainty when chasing tolerances down to microns is significantly better.

W640JZ, W643JZ, and W644JZ Wireless Electronic Depth Gages

The W643JZ depth gage features a knife edge base and a needle point contact that has been hardened and ground. The conical point which is 1/2" long with a 40-degree angle can be precisely positioned for close work due to a cutout on the knife base. All three of the new Starrett wireless electronic depth gages are accurate to +/- .001"/ 0.03mm, and have a 0.0005"/ 0.01mm resolution. Measurement ranges for each of the gages are as follows: the W640JZ offers a range of 0-.500" (0-13mm), the W643JZ offers a range of 0-.125" (0-3mm) and the W644JZ offers a range of 0-3" (0-75mm).

L-703SP Surface Plate Calibration System

The L-703SP System is 30-40% faster than electronic levels, more rugged and reliable, and more repeatable from one tech to the next. In addition, the L-703SP is set up directly on surface plates, so each line segment setup is much easier than autocollimators and laser interferometers, which require floor mounting and touchy setups. This results in 50-60% faster plate calibrations and, unlike these devices, does not require re-taking data if the laser beam is broken.

MarCal 18 EWR(i) Digital Caliper

Suited for a wide variety of industrial applications, the MarCal 18 EWR(i) digital caliper alleviates the complexities associated with accurate measurements of large/heavy parts, ultimately enhancing overall measurement precision. The tool is particularly useful for roaming quality inspectors who need to measure parts that are too challenging to be brought to a stationary gaging station/bench. Ideal applications include large gears, driveshafts, and anything substantial in size or weight.

Model FX-3

The standard Model FX-3 features a built-in 1X objective lens and extra-wide field 10X eyepiece. All lenses are hard-coated and include built-in color correction for enhanced image quality. Optional objectives, such as 0.5X, 1.5X, and 2X, can be purchased separately for different magnifications, as well as an optional 20X eyepiece and both 10X and 20X crosshair eyepieces. Collectively, these offer up to six unique additional magnification options.


The airbrush is easy to operate and merely requires the flow rate to be set. The airbrush works most accurately at a constant pressure of approx. 1-2 bar which is set individually.
The airbrush is solid and robust, resulting in a long tool service life. The wooden handle facilitates ergonomic, balanced handling.

DSC 5+

The DSC 5+, equipped with FlexMode functionality, is the first ever DSC capable of measuring in two different measurement modes. This allows users to run DSC measurements to be carried out in either power compensation mode or heat flux mode, therefore optimizing the measurement conditions for the application needs. The optimized measuring cell design is thermally isolated from the environment providing world-class enthalpy reproducibility and cp accuracy.

Ultrasonic Leak Detector (ULD)

High pressure gases create high frequency turbulence when moving into an area with lower pressure, creating an ultrasonic or “white noise” sound that is beyond the range of human hearing. The ULD can detect these vibrations, creating an audible sound through supplied headphones as well as indicating intensity via front-facing LED display as it moves closer to the leak origin.

SmartScope E45

Along with E7, E45 features the brand-new fixed lens IntelliCentric™ optical system - a fully telecentric optical system providing super high-resolution images, perfectly suited for video edge detection metrology. The digital zoom allows for instantaneous magnification changes, while the standard all-LED lighting system illuminates parts from all angles. E45 features a generous stage to handle large parts or a variety of smaller parts.

LH600F/FG Linear High Measurement System

The LH-600F now features a touch screen interface that allows for easy and intuitive operation, allowing users to measure with the press of a button or through touchscreen icons. The rotatable and adjustable display of the LH-600F also allows for use from both front and rear orientations as well. There are new output options including a Digimatic output that allows data to be sent directly to Excel or SPC software, wired or wirelessly, while maintaining USB and RS232C output capabilities.