
Dignity Medical Solutions, Quest Specialty Products ally to manufacture novel medical product

Dignity Medical Solutions, Inc. (DMS), a group of doctors, scientists and engineers focused on developing technologies that improve the health and dignity of patients worldwide, has partnered with Quest Specialty Products, Inc. to manufacture the TIMO Solution (TIMO), a safer, healthier, and more cost-effective method to manage urinary incontinence. The two companies recently signed an agreement that will provide DMS with the manufacturing, service and support infrastructure needed to market TIMO along with shipping, receiving and inventory management services. The first product release is anticipated in the fourth quarter of 2017.

Design engineer’s guide to photo chemical etching

As a precision sheet metal machining technology, photo etching achieves exacting tolerances, is highly repeatable and in many instances is the only technology that can cost-effectively manufacture precision metal components with the accuracy necessary in demanding and often safety critical applications. Once design engineers select photo etching as their preferred metalworking process, it is important that they fully appreciate not just its versatility, but also the specific aspects of the technology that can affect—and in many instances enhance—product design. This article analyzes the key considerations that design engineers must appreciate to get the most from photo etching and benchmarks the process against other metal machining technologies.

Productive Times: 5 days to ROI

Choosing a parts-marking method depends on the application