
Linear Actuator L

The Linear Actuator FAULHABER L product family is designed for high performances in compact dimensions, it supports large input speed or high output force. It is well-suited for a wide range of applications like robotics, industrial machines and laboratory equipment. A large number of reduction ratios, uniformly distributed, are available to select the most appropriate configuration to fit various force or speed operating points as required by the application.

SP140 and K02 Pull Studs

SP140 and K02 are part of the vast ZPS offering which uses either pneumatic or hydraulic modules to fix, position, and clamp all in one step. Additionally, ZPS ensures repeatability of up to 0.0002”, and reduces cycle times by up to 90%. Users quickly and accurately locate and clamp vises or fixtures, or if preferred, attach retention studs to workpieces and then direct mount components for machining or welding, avoiding potential interference from jaws or clamps.