
Milling Optimization Service

The basis for this innovative service is a dynamic stiffness analysis of the machine tool. The physical optimization phase (known as the ‘tap test’) can be accomplished with impulse hammers and accelerometers from Kistler; this is followed by an analysis of the customer’s NC program, performed with new software from Productive Machines. All the acquired data is then processed to create a new NC program which, once installed, ultimately leads to better cutting performance, longer tool lifetimes and higher OEE – to name just a few benefits.

Mantis 3rd Gen

Mantis 3rd Gen features include; improved optics for both hand-to-eye coordination and excellent depth perception, a 3-position turret to house up to 3 objectives ranging from 3x to 15x, the introduction of an 8x super long working distance lens, five different illumination options providing flexibility to optimize the lighting to view the perfect image, and the Mantis PIXO offers an improved, higher resolution camera for image and video capture. The system also features an option to switch between white light and UV light using a toggle switch.

MC3603 Motion Controller

The MC3603 which owing to its compact size is ideal for integration in equipment manufacturing and medical technology applications. With 36 V and 3 A (peak current 9 A), the new Motion Controller covers the medium power range up to approx. 100 W. It is suitable for "normal" DC-motors with encoder, brushless drives and linear motors. The I/O options and encoder interfaces are the same as the rest of the product family.

CUT F Series

The CUT F 600’s intuitive Uniqua human/machine interface (HMI) delivers optimal functionality and ergonomics with a 19" vertical touchscreen, full keyboard and mouse. For the utmost compatibility, Uniqua supports legacy file types from various EDM manufacturers, and with offline and at-the-machine programming, ISO-based functionality and object-oriented programming, Uniqua provides a powerful graphic tool with integrated CAM and also ensures compatibility with major CAD/CAM programs.