
Presetting plus

Set, Ready, Go

Speedy alignment

Product Focus: BIG Kaiser Mega New Baby Chucks

This is a video supplement to Cutting Tool Engineering's Productive Times case study titled, "Shop wrangles runout challenge," which involved BIG Kaiser Precision Tooling Inc. and Homeyer Precision Manufacturing. The Challenge: Minimize endmill runout to extend tool life when producing aluminum-based forceps. The Solution: A collet chuck that provides minimal runout. For the full Productive Times article, click here.

Shop wrangles runout challenge

Changing Quick-Change

Though ITI Tooling Co. Inc. introduced the Varia Rapid-Change Tooling System some four years ago, the company's product manager—Lee Hebenstreit—says word of this technology has not yet spread throughout the markets it could help. That's why the company produced a 22-second video showing the Varia tool changing system in action.