Model SS-10 SA Wet Blast System

Guyson Corp. has introduced a rotary table wet blast system with manual and semi-automatic modes of operation. The Model SS-10 SA is designed to use abrasive or bead-type media for dustless blast cleaning, descaling, surface preparation and cosmetic finishing of components that may be too damp or oily for dry blast processing.

The 60 x 70-inch blast cabinet stands 96 inches tall and is fabricated from non-corroding composite material. The interior of the wet blasting chamber is lined with sheet rubber for abrasion resistance. A 50 x 50-inch swing door provides access to the blast enclosure on each side. On the right side, a track extension and transfer cart allows the 49-inch diameter rotary table to be rolled out for loading and unloading. A drip tray beneath the track extension is standard equipment.

A standard Model SS-10 SA has five wet blast guns. One pistol-grip gun is conveniently located at the front of the cabinet for use in the manual mode of operation. This blast gun can be hand held, or it can be clamped in the gun bracket provided to allow the operator to use both gloved hands for component manipulation. Four wet-blast guns are mounted on a horizontal oscillator for use in the semi-automatic mode of operation.

A mixture of water and media is delivered to the guns from the 50-gallon-capacity slurry hopper at the bottom of the wet blast cabinet by a seal-less, bearing-less centrifugal pump with a polyurethane impeller and cast urethane lining. The proprietary-design slurry pump of the SS-10 SA is powered by a 2-speed motor, so the operator can choose a higher or lower slurry volume depending on the components and the wet blasting process requirements. Compressed air at regulated pressure is injected into the wet blast guns to disperse the liquid and accelerate the media particles, both of which affect the aggressiveness of the wet blasting process and the speed of the work.

In the manual mode of operation, the safety interlocked bar is removed from the armholes and automatic motion of the table and blast guns is disabled. The manual wet-blast gun is activated by knee switches at the operator's position for the pump and for compressed air injected into the gun. A third switch enables jogging of the turntable to facilitate access to the work piece.

When the bar and interlock are in place on the cabinet armholes, and the semi-automatic mode of operation is selected, the powered table rotates at controlled and adjustable speed as the blast guns sweep back and forth over the components on the turntable during the timed blast cycle. The stroke and speed of gun oscillation can be adjusted, and multi-adjustable brackets allow the blast angle and stand-off distance of the wet blast guns to be pre-set as desired for complete coverage.

A manual rinse nozzle is provided as standard equipment, but a timed automated rinse cycle can be provided as an option by adding rinse nozzles to oscillating gun bracket.

Related Glossary Terms

  • abrasive


    Substance used for grinding, honing, lapping, superfinishing and polishing. Examples include garnet, emery, corundum, silicon carbide, cubic boron nitride and diamond in various grit sizes.