Model 72x36 Dual-Operator Wet Blasting System

Model 72x36 Dual-Operator Wet Blasting System

The WBS/Guyson Model 72x36 dual-operator system is for cleaning and surface preparation of low-volume, high-value aircraft engine components up to 55 inches in length and 24 inches in diameter. It is fabricated of 12-gauge 304 stainless steel material having a #4 polished finish. For part entry/exit, a pneumatically powered vertical lifting door is used. To support the component being processed a manual trolley having a 28” diameter manual turntable is supplied.

The system has a 300-gal. heated, to 150 degrees F rinse solution tank built into the load/unload end extension for reduced floor space requirements. In addition, this tank is  utilized as an immersion tank so that the largest part to be wet blast processed can be immersed in the solution tank for complete rinsing. The tank is fitted with a pedestal-type rinse pump and a stainless steel  bag filter housing that has a 25 micron filter bag.

The WBS/Guyson Model 72x36 wet blast system uses a WBS-designed and -manufactured slurry pump, which is lined with molded in urethane for years of trouble free life. The pump is mounted on the outside of the blast enclosure for ease of maintenance. The slurry pump is powered by motors from 5 hp to 20 hp, depending on the application and number of blast nozzles required for the application.

The WBS/Guyson pump is capable of pumping slurry in concentrations to 50 percent at flows to 200 gpm to meet the stringent aero industry requirements.

Related Glossary Terms

  • micron


    Measure of length that is equal to one-millionth of a meter.