Article from eNETDNC
To address the often-vexing questions about Industry 4.0, there is a new smart Manufacturing blog named Ask the Machine Whisperer? This blog is intended to educate the manufacturing community about all things DNC, machine monitoring and IT networking. The blog is interactive, as there is a dedicated page where readers get to ask their own questions of Steven “the Machine Whisperer” Anderson.
He is an expert in the machine communications, monitoring and networking fields, with over 25 years of hands-on system installation and software development experience. As a former machinist, manufacturing engineer and a current developer of eNETDNC and machine monitoring, Anderson understands fully the knowledge gap that exists about “Industry 4.0” in the manufacturing community.
“Technical schools barely touch these topics in their curriculums, so it’s up to the industry experts to educate just about everyone we meet regarding what exactly is smart manufacturing, and how it’s best achieved,” he said.
Related Glossary Terms
- direct numerical control ( DNC)
direct numerical control ( DNC)
Method of transferring CNC code from the CAD/CAM system to the machine tool.