Methods Machine Tools announces Mark Wright as president and CEO

September 18, 2019 - 11:00am
Methods Machine Tools announces Mark Wright as president and CEO

Methods Machine Tools Inc. announced that its board of directors has appointed Mark Wright as its president and CEO. Wright will assume all operating functions of Methods Machine Tools, including the Sudbury, Massachusetts, headquarters and all seven direct offices throughout the U.S., as well as its national distribution network.

“During this time of transformation, new technologies, emerging industries, and product innovation, there is no better person to lead Methods into the future than Mark Wright,” said Scott McIver, chairman of the board and thirdgGeneration owner. “Mark is a proven leader in manufacturing and distribution disciplines. His strategic ideas, goals and ambitions align with our plans for the future and our continued growth.”

Wright's career spans nearly every level of operating responsibilities in a wide variety of industries, including software, hardware, machinery and services. He has led operations, sales and financial teams to superior results. He has worked in Asia and the Far East and has a global outlook in strategic planning, growth initiatives and sales channel programs and development. Wright has significant experience in team building and process improvement.  His key strengths include collaborating across functional lines, communicating with global executives, working in various other cultures and contract negotiations.

 “After seeing many companies in my career, you get to know greatness when you see it.  Having an opportunity to join such a team, such a family, it is what I worked for my entire career, and I am honored by this opportunity,” explained Mark Wright.  “I am confident we can continue to grow and move the business forward and deliver the high caliber products and services in our special way that makes Methods unique.  I will enable our people to fulfill their passion to make a difference.”