Abtex adds ceramic filament brushes to tool line

With the addition of ceramic filament brushes, Abtex Corp. can now offer a wider selection of filament materials, as well as an unlimited number of shapes and sizes for every conceivable application.

Although silicon carbide is spec'd most often, Abtex can also fabricate brushes using aluminum oxide, ceramic or diamond filaments. Unless specified otherwise, the filaments are mounted in the company's proprietary, molded, composite material.

The photo shows some of the endless special application brush configurations that Abtex has designed and manufactured.

The company tests customer parts every day in its application lab. Abtex engineers use this test data to design an abrasive filament pattern that will be most efficient and cost effective for the application.

Related Glossary Terms

  • abrasive


    Substance used for grinding, honing, lapping, superfinishing and polishing. Examples include garnet, emery, corundum, silicon carbide, cubic boron nitride and diamond in various grit sizes.

  • aluminum oxide

    aluminum oxide

    Aluminum oxide, also known as corundum, is used in grinding wheels. The chemical formula is Al2O3. Aluminum oxide is the base for ceramics, which are used in cutting tools for high-speed machining with light chip removal. Aluminum oxide is widely used as coating material applied to carbide substrates by chemical vapor deposition. Coated carbide inserts with Al2O3 layers withstand high cutting speeds, as well as abrasive and crater wear.