Engraving tools tipped with PCD or CBN

Highly Precise, Wear-Resistant Engraving Tools

Engraving tools tipped with PCD or CBN cutting materials enables competitive machining strategies of processing magnetic flexible dies as well as cutting rotors made of high-quality challenging materials.

Other applications are for example scoring of PCB (electronic industry) as well as engraving of high-tensile and wear-resistant materials.

Lach Diamond Inc. is happy to advise all users based on almost 100 years of experience in dealing with the hardest of all things - diamond.

 PCD- and CBN-tipped engraving tools are offered

  • in standard or customized dimensions
  • as semi-finished or finished (incl. side-cut)
  • with highest reachable surface qualities

Related Glossary Terms

  • cubic boron nitride ( CBN)

    cubic boron nitride ( CBN)

    Crystal manufactured from boron nitride under high pressure and temperature. Used to cut hard-to-machine ferrous and nickel-base materials up to 70 HRC. Second hardest material after diamond. See superabrasive tools.

  • polycrystalline diamond ( PCD)

    polycrystalline diamond ( PCD)

    Cutting tool material consisting of natural or synthetic diamond crystals bonded together under high pressure at elevated temperatures. PCD is available as a tip brazed to a carbide insert carrier. Used for machining nonferrous alloys and nonmetallic materials at high cutting speeds.