A portable pneumatic saw with a pipe trolley system for accurately square cutting ductile iron concrete lined pipe from 6" to 60" in diameter is available from ESCO Tool. The MILLHOG APS-438 Air Powered Saw and steel WrapTrack System attach to a pipe's circumference and feature an abrasive blade designed for cutting ductile iron concrete lined pipe. Producing square cuts with 1⁄8" accuracy, this fully portable saw mounts on a trolley equipped with four V-grooved steel wheels that glide along the steel WrapTrack system which can be sized exactly to fit the pipe OD.
Providing a perfectly square cut for subsequent welding or to assure a flush cut for couplings, the MILLHOG APS-438 Air Powered Saw and steel WrapTrack System is superior to guillotine saws and torches. This rigid pipe cutting system is suited for cutting stainless steels, Inconel, and other highly alloyed pipe without leaving a heat affected zone (HAZ).
The MILLHOG APS-438 Air Powered Saw sells for $5,395.00 and the WrapTrack is $450.00 up. Rentals are also available from $295.00 per week.
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Related Glossary Terms
- abrasive
Substance used for grinding, honing, lapping, superfinishing and polishing. Examples include garnet, emery, corundum, silicon carbide, cubic boron nitride and diamond in various grit sizes.
- outer diameter ( OD)
outer diameter ( OD)
Dimension that defines the exterior diameter of a cylindrical or round part. See ID, inner diameter.
- sawing machine ( saw)
sawing machine ( saw)
Machine designed to use a serrated-tooth blade to cut metal or other material. Comes in a wide variety of styles but takes one of four basic forms: hacksaw (a simple, rugged machine that uses a reciprocating motion to part metal or other material); cold or circular saw (powers a circular blade that cuts structural materials); bandsaw (runs an endless band; the two basic types are cutoff and contour band machines, which cut intricate contours and shapes); and abrasive cutoff saw (similar in appearance to the cold saw, but uses an abrasive disc that rotates at high speeds rather than a blade with serrated teeth).
- stainless steels
stainless steels
Stainless steels possess high strength, heat resistance, excellent workability and erosion resistance. Four general classes have been developed to cover a range of mechanical and physical properties for particular applications. The four classes are: the austenitic types of the chromium-nickel-manganese 200 series and the chromium-nickel 300 series; the martensitic types of the chromium, hardenable 400 series; the chromium, nonhardenable 400-series ferritic types; and the precipitation-hardening type of chromium-nickel alloys with additional elements that are hardenable by solution treating and aging.