Screw Lock Toolholders for 55-degree Diamond Inserts

Iscar Metals is introducing new SDNCN ...-13-SL and SDJCN ...-13-SL screw lock toolholders for 55-degree diamond inserts with a 7-degree clearance angle. It has a long groove on the pocket and a matching ridge at the insert bottom, which ensures high rigidity in profiling applications, according to the company.

The new design ensures high edge location precision after indexing and no backlash when changing machining direction as required in profiling applications.

New DCMT 13T5..-F3P-SL -55-degree rhombic positive flank inserts with a new F3P chipformer were designed for semi-finishing and finishing of steel. They are available in grades IC8150 and IC8250.

New DCMT 13T5..-M3M-SL -55-degree rhombic positive flank inserts with a new M3M chipformer were designed for semi-finishing and medium machining conditions on stainless and low carbon steel. They are available in grades IC6015 and IC6025.

New DCMT 13T5..-SM-SL and DCMT 13T5..-PF-SL: Apart from the new F3P and M3M chipformers, ISCAR is introducing the same insert geometry with the widely used SM and PF chipformers on the standard DCMT 11T3.. inserts.

End users who currently use the SM and PF chipformers, will easily see the advantage of using the new clamping system. The unique clamping design enables machining at high chip load, thus reducing machining cycle time while maintaining high profile accuracy.

The new tools are available in 58", ¾" and 1" shanks.

Related Glossary Terms

  • backlash


    Reaction in dynamic motion systems where potential energy that was created while the object was in motion is released when the object stops. Release of this potential energy or inertia causes the device to quickly snap backward relative to the last direction of motion. Backlash can cause a system’s final resting position to be different from what was intended and from where the control system intended to stop the device.

  • clearance


    Space provided behind a tool’s land or relief to prevent rubbing and subsequent premature deterioration of the tool. See land; relief.

  • profiling


    Machining vertical edges of workpieces having irregular contours; normally performed with an endmill in a vertical spindle on a milling machine or with a profiler, following a pattern. See mill, milling machine.