SP-300iA Wire EDM

AccuteX EDM, a division of Absolute Machine Tools Inc., has introduced its "SP-300iA" 5-Axis CNC Wire EDM. This machine features the latest "Microsparking Technology," the MST-II function that provides exceptional part finishes. Aerospace and medical industries in particular have demands for low recast and fine finishes. Further, this machine is built for rigidity with a Meehanite cast honeycomb base, highly-ribbed column that is mounted with oversized UVZ axis and reinforced lower arm for added stiffness. All castings are stabilized and subjected to rigorous testing to insure maximum strength, high precision, and durability.

The X, Y, Z working range is 13.8" x 9.8" x 8.7" U and V axes are both 3.15" The U-V axis mechanism is placed in a cabinet above the working area, assuring optimal rigidity and protection from humidity and physical damage. The axes are driven by means of closed-loop AC servo motors with 0.000004" resolution and controlled by a linear glass scale feedback system. The SP-300iA also incorporates the latest generation ball-retainer type guideways which reduce 90 percent of friction variation compared to conventional guideways.

The workpiece mounting table is made of hardened stainless steel, offers easy accessibility and is designed as a standard clamping system also. This creative solution reduces setup time. The table can also accommodate most commercial fixturing systems. All the operations relating to wire handling have been simplified on the SP-300iA. The machine is equipped with an annealing, fully automatic wire threading system with a tip disposal unit.

Related Glossary Terms

  • annealing


    Softening a metal by heating it to and holding it at a controlled temperature, then cooling it at a controlled rate. Also performed to produce simultaneously desired changes in other properties or in the microstructure. The purposes of such changes include improvement of machinability, facilitation of cold work, improvement of mechanical or electrical properties and increase in stability of dimensions. Types of annealing include blue, black, box, bright, full, intermediate, isothermal, quench and recrystallization.

  • computer numerical control ( CNC)

    computer numerical control ( CNC)

    Microprocessor-based controller dedicated to a machine tool that permits the creation or modification of parts. Programmed numerical control activates the machine’s servos and spindle drives and controls the various machining operations. See DNC, direct numerical control; NC, numerical control.

  • electrical-discharge machining ( EDM)

    electrical-discharge machining ( EDM)

    Process that vaporizes conductive materials by controlled application of pulsed electrical current that flows between a workpiece and electrode (tool) in a dielectric fluid. Permits machining shapes to tight accuracies without the internal stresses conventional machining often generates. Useful in diemaking.

  • stiffness


    1. Ability of a material or part to resist elastic deflection. 2. The rate of stress with respect to strain; the greater the stress required to produce a given strain, the stiffer the material is said to be. See dynamic stiffness; static stiffness.

  • threading


    Process of both external (e.g., thread milling) and internal (e.g., tapping, thread milling) cutting, turning and rolling of threads into particular material. Standardized specifications are available to determine the desired results of the threading process. Numerous thread-series designations are written for specific applications. Threading often is performed on a lathe. Specifications such as thread height are critical in determining the strength of the threads. The material used is taken into consideration in determining the expected results of any particular application for that threaded piece. In external threading, a calculated depth is required as well as a particular angle to the cut. To perform internal threading, the exact diameter to bore the hole is critical before threading. The threads are distinguished from one another by the amount of tolerance and/or allowance that is specified. See turning.

  • wire EDM

    wire EDM

    Process similar to ram electrical-discharge machining except a small-diameter copper or brass wire is used as a traveling electrode. Usually used in conjunction with a CNC and only works when a part is to be cut completely through. A common analogy is wire electrical-discharge machining is like an ultraprecise, electrical, contour-sawing operation.