Blaser Swisslube Inc.

Costly multi-machine operation becomes a thing of the past in cases where various electrode materials need to be processed, as does the associated laborious setup of multiple processes. In addition, considerably healthier work conditions can be achieved due to the absence of dust. Processing graphite with the right metalworking fluid is an…
Blaser Swisslube, has focused on an economical formulation that shows robust performance in universal machining applications. The strengths of the new coolant become fully apparent when machining cast iron, steel and aluminum alloys. B-Cool MC 600 demonstrates good material and machine compatibility and can be mixed with all water types. It…
Blaser Swisslube Inc. announces the release of Blasocut BC935SW. Blasocut BC935SW is formulated with the latest in state-of-the-art metalworking fluid components.
Blaser Swisslube Inc. has announced the release of Vasco 7000.
Blaser Swisslube Inc. announces the release of Blasocut BC940.
Blaser Swisslube Inc. announced the release of Blasomill Uni 10, Art. 3174.
The research and development team at Blaser Swisslube, a Swiss expert in metalworking fluids, set about planning and implementing an idea to capture a machining process, chip formation and the behavior of the metalworking fluid more precisely than ever before through photos and videos. The idea came about as part of a joint project with the…

Author: Alan Richter

Column: Feature Article


Author: Alan Richter

Column: Feature Article


Author: William Leventon

Column: Feature Article


Author: CTE Staff

Column: Productive Times


Author: Larry Adams

Column: Feature Article


Author: Brett Reynolds

Column: Feature Article



Column: Productive Times


Register to watch the recorded webinar on-demand. Join Cutting Tool Engineering for a one-hour webinar based on this month’s cover story, “A Fluid Choice.” The article examines the options for high-pressure coolant when deep-hole drilling.

People & Companies

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A promotion from Blaser Swisslube, Goshen, New York, challenged U.S. manufacturers to test a Blaser metalworking fluid or to share a user experience to raise funds for the National Robotics League (NRL). The 2019 year-end offer raised $2,000 for the workforce development program.
Blaser Swisslube Inc., Goshen, NY, which develops and produces high-quality Cutting and Grinding Fluids, has appointed Tom Cappadona to Gears & Grinding Business Development Manager - Americas