Automation Systems


The AI wizard is called Éncy (pronounced like [ˈɛnsɪ]) and it greets the user with the following message: “Hi, I’m Éncy, your SprutCAM X AI assistant. Ask away, and I’ll be happy to help!” The AI assistant is powered by the OpenAI API, which uses deep learning models to understand and generate natural language. Engineers can communicate with the AI assistant using text commands in multiple languages, and the AI assistant responds accordingly.

multiScan100 Family

With the launch of the multiScan product family, SICK presents 3D LiDAR sensors that provide mobile platforms with a 360° all-round view in 3D. Due to the up to 690,000 measuring points, the multiScan100 achieves a state-of-the-art precision with which nothing in its environment escapes its notice. 

Two-Press Production Cell

The two-press production cell uses a centralized control station which sets the operating parameters of both presses and controls the action sequences of both FANUC robots. All equipment in the cell is automatically updated with new process parameters when changing between products.

HALCON Version 23.05

With HALCON 23.05, it is now possible to further optimize the underlying deep learning networks, which are already pre-trained on industry-related images, for the user's own application. This allows even more robust recognition rates for Deep OCR applications as well as an even more reliable detection of suitable gripping surfaces for applications using 3D Gripping Point Detection technology. In addition, there are many other helpful improvements, such as the fact that external code can now be integrated into HALCON more easily.

Automated Guided Vehicle Systems (AGVs)

 Via the sensor infrastructure and intelligent, as well as integrated and manufacturer-independent communication, the traffic and order management software NAiSE Traffic analyses the flow of traffic and goods in intralogistics applications, in real-time. The software coordinates and controls traffic involving all parties – humans and industrial trucks such as AGV systems or forklifts. As a result, operators have a complete, manufacturer-independent material flow automation solution.

Dual Gripper Solution

The dual gripper system on the versaLoad allows manufacturers to reduce part loading times by as much as 50% when compared to a single gripper setup. This allows the automation cell to operate with maximum efficiency, enabling versaLoad users to boost productivity without having to increase headcount.