
Cup-wheel grinding

For one shop, increasing wheel speed when cup-wheel grinding usually reduces wheel wear, but sometimes it increases wear. The shop sought the advice of Dr. Jeffrey Badger in the 56th episode of our Grinding Doc Video Series.

Coolant strategy

How close do you need to get the coolant nozzle to the grinding wheel? Dr. Jeffrey Badger offers some direction.

About the Grinding Doc Video Series: Thanks to his work as an independent grinding consultant and the author of the "Ask the Grinding Doc" column in Cutting Tool Engineering magazine, Dr. Jeffrey Badger routinely receives questions about grinding from shops all over the world. Through the magazine column and this video series, he provides shops with the insight and guidance they seek.

A loaded question

Dr. Jeffrey Badger helps a shop that's having frequent issues with wheel loading when grinding hardened steel and stainless steel.

About the Grinding Doc Video Series: Thanks to his work as an independent grinding consultant and the author of the "Ask the Grinding Doc" column in Cutting Tool Engineering magazine, Dr. Jeffrey Badger routinely receives questions about grinding from shops all over the world. Through the magazine column and this video series, he provides shops with the insight and guidance they seek.