
LinX Linear Motor Technology

Highly polished flutes and gash surfaces improve chip evacuation and aid tool performance. The smoother surface enables swarf (or chips) to exit more freely, preventing chip packing and material build up during machining. ANCA has addressed this goal with innovations reportedly found only at the ANCA Group.

Two-Speed Belt Grinders

Palmgren says its two-speed belt grinders provide the ultimate flexibility from roughing, to intermediate grinding and blending, to final finishing. By changing the belt, the grinder quickly converts from heavy stock removal to shaping, forming, snagging, deburring, chamfering and finishing operations.

United Grinding flexLoad standard automation cell

For machine types STUDER S31 and STUDER S33, United Grinding offers a loader solution featuring a portal loader system with dual grippers. The loader system is said to be suitable for shaft components up to a part length of 300mm and a grip diameter of 4mm to 75mm, which covers the majority of the spectrum of parts produced on these machines, according to United Grinding North America.