Built to help its customers unlock the power of digital technology and the Smart Factory, the new Walter Technology Center is located at Walter's worldwide headquarters in Tübingen, Germany. The 16,400 sq. ft. center combines the functions of an interactive experience center and a research facility, according to a Walter press release.
"Our customers today expect reliable, customized processes," said Mirko Merlo, Chairman of Walter AG. "In the new Walter Technology Center, they can help to shape the development of their machining processes in real time."
Described as a practical setting, the Walter Technology Center digitally connects production, logistics, engineering, control and management processes, enabling them to communicate with one another in real time using an application platform.
"The Technology Center interactively demonstrates process and tool solutions," added Holger Langhans, Director of Walter Multiply. "Using new types of functions, networking the 'intelligent' systems and other innovations will permanently change how we think and work with customers."
The spacious auditorium, which is equipped with the latest presentation technology and can seat up to 200 people, will host expert conferences and customer events.