Red Helix Cobalt Drill Bits

Red Helix Cobalt Drill Bits

Milwaukee Tool continues to enhance their line of twist-drilling accessories with the next generation of its Red Helix cobalt drill bits. Engineered for extreme durability and longer life in hard metal applications, these new bits provide up to 15 time life versus black-oxide drill bits.

Much like their predecessors, the next generation of Red Helix cobalt drill bits are designed with a Variable Helix that includes an aggressive 35° helix angle that varies along the flute, ending at 15° to limit heat buildup.

However, new to this next generation of the drill bits are two things: a Quad Edge tip and Enhanced Tapered Web. The Quad Edge tip decreases heat buildup and enables users to drill faster. A 135° split point tip delivers a precision start and prevents walking for fast, accurate holes in hard metal, PVC and wood. The drill bits’ Enhanced Tapered Web strengthens the core to increase overall flute durability.

The next generation of Milwaukee’s Red Helix cobalt drill bits will be available in sizes ranging from 1/16” to ½”, as well as in sets.

Quick Reference

Red Helix Cobalt Drill Bits: 1/16”, 5/32”, 3/32”, 7/64”, 1/8” 9/64”, 5/32”, 11/64”, 3/16”, 13/64”, 7/32”, 15/64”,1/4”, 17/64”, 9/32”, 19/64”, 5/16”, 21/64”, 11/32”, 23/64”, 3/8”, 25/64” 13/64”, 27/64”, 7/16”, 29/64”, 15/32”, 31/64”, ½”

Red Helix Cobalt Drill Bit Sets

15 Piece Drill Bit Set                                           48-89-2331

23 Piece Drill Bit Set                                           48-89-2332

29 Piece Drill Bit Set                                           48-89-2338

Related Glossary Terms

  • helix angle

    helix angle

    Angle that the tool’s leading edge makes with the plane of its centerline.

  • web


    On a rotating tool, the portion of the tool body that joins the lands. Web is thicker at the shank end, relative to the point end, providing maximum torsional strength.