Catalog Provides Comprehensive Solutions for Cutting Tools

Catalog Provides Comprehensive Solutions for Cutting Tools

OSG USA Inc. has introduced its highly anticipated 2017/18 Cutting Tool Solutions Catalog in print and digital versions. The latest catalog edition has more than 1,300 pages and features new products including EXOCARB ADF flat drills and PHOENIX PSTW indexable shoulder cutters, and many new expansions to the company's quality lines, such as the EXOCARB MAX-MINI drills, EXOCARB WDO drills, PHEONIX PXD indexable exchangeable head drills and PHOENIX PFB indexable ballnose endmills.

The 2017/18 Cutting Tool Solutions Catalog can be accessed digitally on Customers may also request a free hard copy by calling 1-800-837-2223.

Related Glossary Terms

  • flat ( screw flat)

    flat ( screw flat)

    Flat surface machined into the shank of a cutting tool for enhanced holding of the tool.