YG-1 Tool Co. Ltd. has added high-performance carbide drills for stainless steel to its drill line. Other additions include carbide microdrills and drills for drilling steel hardened up to 68 HRC, and HSS and cobalt drills. P/M drills are also available for drilling difficult-to-machine materials that tend to break carbide drills.
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Related Glossary Terms
- high-speed steels ( HSS)
high-speed steels ( HSS)
Available in two major types: tungsten high-speed steels (designated by letter T having tungsten as the principal alloying element) and molybdenum high-speed steels (designated by letter M having molybdenum as the principal alloying element). The type T high-speed steels containing cobalt have higher wear resistance and greater red (hot) hardness, withstanding cutting temperature up to 1,100º F (590º C). The type T steels are used to fabricate metalcutting tools (milling cutters, drills, reamers and taps), woodworking tools, various types of punches and dies, ball and roller bearings. The type M steels are used for cutting tools and various types of dies.