SmartPace Conveyor

Order is great. Disorder ... not so much, especially on a conveyor belt. So when products become a bit chaotic, the new SmartPace conveyor from Dorner Mfg. will get them back in line.

The SmartPace conveyor enhances packaged product orientation by receiving items and properly spacing them on the conveyor. The conveyor uses HMI interface to control the spacing, speed and orientation of products. What this advantage gives to users is the ability to merge multiple lanes together without product stops or gates, the entire process is smooth and seamless.

Here's how the SmartPace conveyor works:

• Randomly spaced parts enter the conveyor

• Photoeye detects product spacing

• The conveyor's servo motor control automatically varies the conveyor speed and conveyor junction placement to generate an evenly spaced part

Conveyor specifications of the new SmartPace conveyor:

• 4" to 12" wide and 6" long 1.25" diameter end transfer rollers

• Motors can be mounted on either side or both sides of the conveyor

• Two independent self tracking belted conveyors

• Movable conveyor junction driven by plastic/stainless steel drive chain

• All bearings sealed for life

Performance specifications of the new SmartPace conveyor:

• Up to 200 feet per minute

• Can smoothly transfer parts as short as 3" long

• Multiple FDA-approved belting options

• Maintenance free self-tracking conveyor belts

• Available in aluminum or corrosion resistant stainless steel frame