UBT-T4 Universal Single-Roll Burnishing Tool

The new UBT-T4 universal single-roll burnishing tool from Cogsdill Tool Products Inc. offers a compact design for use where limited space is available. This turning-holder-style tool is designed for, but not limited to, use on multispindle automatic and screw machines.

The UBT-T4 tool is available in both left-hand and right-hand models for burnishing ODs. Fine surface finishes are attainable using the UBT-T4 tool. Features include adjustment for optimal burnishing pressure, a low-cost replaceable burnishing roll and availability as a standard off-the-shelf product.

Related Glossary Terms

  • burnishing


    Finishing method by means of compressing or cold-working the workpiece surface with carbide rollers called burnishing rolls or burnishers.