

Flexibility is a key feature of the tap grinding process on the TapX. The specially designed machine and powerful ToolRoom software ensure a vast range of tap types and sizes can be designed and manufactured in one set-up. Combine this with the benefits of quick changeover time and it's not hard to see how TapX can increase productivity and reduce lead times.

QUICK Knurling and Marking Tools

The QUICK® product spectrum offers innovative solutions for diverse knurling technology applications. For both form knurling and cut knurling, QUICK® fulfills the most stringent quality standards and masters difficult tasks. Knurling tools are available for use on a wide range of workpiece diameters, including small tools for Swiss type lathes from Ø 1.5 mm.

My rConnect

Now, My rConnect is completely cloud-based, so as long as a computer is connected to the same network as their current GFMS machine, that machine is connected to My rConnect. However, GFMS machines that don’t have network access and are connected to the Internet can also use My rConnect.