A portable pneumatic saw with a pipe trolley system for accurately square cutting ductile iron concrete lined pipe from 6" to 60" in diameter is available from ESCO Tool.
An air-powered saw that can be used in any position to produce perfectly square cuts on water wall boiler tube panels made from highly alloyed tube up to 4-½" O.D. is available from ESCO Tool.
Knuth Machine Tools USA Inc. carries a variety of machines, including high performance bandsaws with automatic feed. The ABS 320C is a fully automated bandsaw with a twin column guide system.
Pat Mooney Inc. — The Saw Company has added to its line the PMI-455 Series of CE NC Automatic High Production Cutoff Saws for aluminum and other non-ferrous metals.
AMSAW high-speed, production saw machines from Advanced Machine & Engineering are specifically designed to use carbide blades to improve the cutting speed of ferrous and non-ferrous material, bars or billets, rails, profiles, pipes and tubes.
Blaxx F5055 slitting cutter from Walter USA LLC reportedly features robust and accurate construction with superior performance and process reliability that characterizes the Blaxx line.
TechMet Carbides Inc. offers tungsten-carbide blanks for carbide fabricators and OEMs. Precision ground rods, coolant-hole rods, doubleend blanks, bur blanks, saw tips and standard tool blanks (STBs) are available.
Simonds International has introduced SnapShot, the latest addition to its Cutting Intelligence arsenal, a suite of analysis tools designed to help manufacturers identify savings opportunities.