IS0 1179 Port Tools

Cuts Minor Thread (BSPP) Diameter, 90 Degree Included Angle, Spot Face

Scientific Cutting Tools is expanding its offerings with the launch of the brand new ISO 1179 port tool. It cuts the minor thread (BSPP) diameter, 90 degree included angle, and the spot face per the requirements of ISO1179. The carbide-tipped port tool features brazed carbide inserts of the highest quality sub-micron carbide for optimal material properties. Smaller thread size port tools are three flutes and larger thread size port tools are four flutes. 1179 port tools have a polished flute face for the best performance. Items are stocked uncoated or AlTiN coated. AlTiN coating is highly recommended if cutting steel as the coating prevents the chip from sticking to the carbide. Additionally, AlTiN coating improves tool life and allows the tool to achieve a high-quality finish.

Related Glossary Terms

  • flutes


    Grooves and spaces in the body of a tool that permit chip removal from, and cutting-fluid application to, the point of cut.

  • included angle

    included angle

    Measurement of the total angle within the interior of a workpiece or the angle between any two intersecting lines or surfaces.