Gibbs and Associates, developer of GibbsCAM software for programming CNC machine tools and a Cimatron company, announced that it has released the newest version of GibbsCAM NC programming software, GibbsCAM 2013.
Creform Corp. introduced a new style of workstation that is easily mobilized to provide a work-anywhere surface for maintenance or assembly operations.
As machine tool builders and end users continue to push the limit with speeds and feeds, they need a tool to evaluate the dynamic performance of their machine with the ultimate precision and accuracy. HEIDENHAIN's new KGM 282 allows the user to precisely pinpoint the problem in the dynamics of the machine in order to increase its accuracy.
The grinding specialist RefreshEng has launched a re-engineered centerless grinder based on one of the world's most widely-used machines, with the aid of software development support from CNC vendor NUM.
TMX Large diameter manual chucks from Toolmex Industrial Solutions provide an ideal solution for manufacturer's involved in aerospace, energy and heavy construction equipment.
Romicron fine-boring systems from Kennametal allow users to dial in extremely close tolerances while the tool is mounted in the machine tool, saving time and easing training.
Accudyne Corp. is introducing the EZ-PULLER. This self-adjusting bar puller is used in CNC turning centers to provide automatic operation of the machine.
When it comes to storage space, organization and space are key. The Lektriever Vertical Carousel from Kardex Remstar can be equipped with carriers that store individual trays that can be removed from the unit and brought to an individual's workstation.
The ATOS Plus from Capture 3D intuitively integrates photogrammetry, 3D scanning and inspection to further advance automation, dimensional analysis, verification and process safety.