Model HSSLB Short-Span Lifting Beam

Model HSSLB Short-Span Lifting Beam

Harrington Hoists Inc. introduces their HSSLB short-span lifting beam, which is available from ¼-ton through 195-ton capacities with outside spreads of 12, 24 and 36 inches. Additional sizes and capacities are available.

The HSSLB short-span lifting beam features a low-headroom, plate-style design that incorporates a precision machined bail to ensure a secure connection to the saddle of the hook. Two lift points include heavy-duty shackles to control the load’s movement. Additional lift points and hardware are available as options.

The HSSLB is engineered and manufactured to ASME B30.20 & BTH-1 Design Category B Service Class 2 and has a specified fatigue life of 100,001 to 500,000 load cycles. All HSSLB short-span lifting beams are proof-tested to 125 percent capacity.

Related Glossary Terms

  • fatigue


    Phenomenon leading to fracture under repeated or fluctuating stresses having a maximum value less than the tensile strength of the material. Fatigue fractures are progressive, beginning as minute cracks that grow under the action of the fluctuating stress.

  • fatigue life

    fatigue life

    Number of cycles of stress that can be sustained prior to failure under a stated test condition.