Product News

For heavy duty applications, for example, try hinge GN 237.3, a compact, heavy duty hinge of stainless steel. With a 180° range of motion, these hinges can stand up to even high dynamic wear—regardless of the mounting orientation—thanks to special shim washers. Depending on the selected type, the hinge bands also have centering extensions that ensure a tighter fit—preventing sliding and eliminating the transverse forces that otherwise place extremely heavy loads on the screws.
With an installation of footprint of 25.3m2, the machine is the largest in SW’s repertoire. It features a working rage of 3,000 x 1,800 x 875 mm on the X-, Y- and Z-axes respectively. On each of these axes, the HSK 63 spindle is able to reach a rapid traverse of 120 m/min, with a chip to chip time of 4-4.25s (depending on which optional features a customer selects). So not only is the machine capable of machining large structural components made of light metal material such as battery housings and car chassis bodies that are in such high demand in the industry – but it does so at speeds much faster than anything offered by the competition.
EVN provides additional benefits over normal grinding oils. Its combination of low viscosity (5.4 cSt) coupled with a high flash point (370 degrees F) is not possible in petroleum based products.  That means that EVN improves flushing, which helps grinding performance while also providing the increased safety features.
The new version of the machine offers a more flexible and therefore more precise machining process. The BA W06 features variable spindle distance of 590.00 mm – 651.00 mm. Travel in the Y- and Z- axes 630 mm and 510 mm, respectively. The independent Z-axis enables machining coupled with compensation value. Fine adjustment of the spindle height is possible in the Y-axis with position correction. Straightness has been improved in the Z-axis due to increased guide ratio. There is also now higher positioning accuracy (Tp = 0.006 mm) in the in the X-, Y-, and Z-axes (verified by ISO 230-2) available.
The compact StyliCleaner, which has a 70mm (2.8in) x 100mm (3.9in) footprint, is available in two sizes, StyliCleaner8 and StyliCleaner16, designed to decontaminate styli from 0 to 8mm (0.31in) and from 6mm (0.24in) to 16mm (0.62in) in diameter, respectively. The separate control unit may be positioned on the CMM table, or if space is limited it can be attached to the CMM stand using an optional mounting plate.
The FSH combines the latest in substrate and coatings with multiple flutes and the highly effective left-hand helix design to achieve both better performance and longer tool life in today’s hard-to-machine materials. Manufacturers who have previously attempted to use taps in small-hole threading understand that, especially in heat- resistant materials, breakage is a frequent occurrence.
The ANGLED ROUND TOOLHOLDERS position the insert at 30°, 45° or 60° angles for reliefs, undercuts and angled OD and face grooves.  Round shank sizes are available in diameters of 1/2”, 5/8”, 3/4”, 1”, 20 mm and 25 mm. The ANGLED ROUND TOOLHOLDERS are for use with THINBIT® inserts in grades for ferrous and non-ferrous materials.  
BIG KAISER’s modular CK/CKB system allows for versatility in the length of tooling combinations, up to a maximum of 10 times diameter and can run on nearly every major spindle interface. All tools are coolant-through and have three different insert holder options per head size. The tried-and-true EWN analog head features a dial with Ø.0005"/div setting accuracy (.0001" w/ Vernier).
Round smooth, round serrated, hex smooth, and square smooth sizes are available for W&S (all sizes), S-style (all sizes), Gisholt, Jones & Lamson, and Martin collet pad types, allowing more varied geometries can be securely gripped.  The ability to quickly change between sizes allows shops to expand their machining capabilities, increase their machine cycles by up to 30%, and maximize production.  Emergency collet pads that machine like top jaws are stocked for custom workpiece applications. 
The mini version has all the proven centroteX technology, however with an additional advantage: Actuation takes place with just one screw; thus, you save even more set-up time, and this system was designed to enable a robot to quickly change the clamping device. With lesser tightening torque than is required with the large variant, the centroteX M, the centroteX S can be assembled more quickly and this is executed with the highest repeatability and at the same time it also offers more ergonomic operation.
The XY base system is made of two 3-Phase motor powered V-417 linear stages with travel ranges from 204 to 407mm. Integrated absolute-measuring linear encoders provide better reliability, while eliminating the need to reference. A granite base plate is available for stability and can hold the G-901 EtherCat-based controller with ACS driver module. PI supports customers, system integrators, and machine builders to quickly configure and integrate the appropriate system, reducing design and development time while optimizing the outcome.
Two new grades have been added to TungCut to enhance its capacity in exotic materials: AH8005 insert grade, featuring strong coating adherence to its carbide substrate, eliminates notch wear that typically occurs during the machining of heat-resistant superalloys (HRSAs). New geometries include DGS inserts with 0.05 mm and 0.10 mm (.0002″ and .0004″) corner radii. These sharp cornered inserts allow lighter cutting and precision grooving/ parting-off of small parts advantageous in Swiss machine applications.
MeasurLink’s Collection Scheduler is a module that allows the user to track measurement collection times for multiple active or suspended runs on that Real-Time station. The module displays tiles for each run and shows several color stages based on checkpoints to keep measurements on track. In addition, an email can alert the supervisor if no measurement is started within specified time.
To streamline access to Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) and metadata, hyperMILL® 2021.1 offers a new import function that retrieves face quality information and metadata when importing CAD data from neutral or native formats, and attaches data to the imported faces in hyperCAD®-S, making the information available to hyperMILL® and its machining processes. 
The AT960 laser tracker can be transported easily, unpacked quickly and powered up in minutes to deliver high-performance measurement almost anywhere. Featuring wireless communication and a battery operation option, the integrated-technology design of the AT960 reduces setup time drastically.
The PTD HX can deliver up to 70% more holes in moderate conditions. The versatility of the industry’s “Go-To” jobber drill extends beyond medium strength materials, delivering 18% more holes in heavy conditions and up to 30% more holes in light conditions.
This Intellistat is activated with a comfortable, ergonomic short throw trigger which requires minimal effort. Constructed with a low voltage transformer converting 120V to 24V, it was designed to ensure user safety, in addition to using an EXAIR engineered air nozzle to maximize efficiency and meet OSHA requirements for sound level and dead-end pressure. It is equipped with a red/green LED to signify proper functionality, as well as a hook for easy hanging and storage.
Every grinder provides four to seven times longer duty cycle under load and eight times less speed degradation than the  competition. The grinders provide smooth, quiet power for grinding cleaning, deburring, chamfering and sharpening.
Simcenter 3D continues to further improve its powerful unified and shared engineering platform for all simulation disciplines to help users gain full value of the benefits that simulation provides in terms of cost, speed and impact to innovation. Introducing new enhancements to the AI (Artificial Intelligence) driven user experience, new simulation types as well as refinements in accuracy and enhanced performance speed.
Premium Ceramic Grain - provides a cooler cut for a longer lasting disc; 50 Grit – less emphasis on aggression with refined surface finish; 36 Grit – best combination of stock. Works well on stainless steel & carbon steel, weld bead removal, chamfering and beveling, flame-cut steel removal, edge grinding and deburring.