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Calculated forces when turning

1B insert

A new turning geometry for the finish turning of components manufactured from steel to the most difficult-to-machine materials, such as high-temperature alloys, has been launched by ATI Stellram.

NL Turning Grades

These five new Stellram NL turning grades are specifically engineered to provide optimal performance in a given application and workpiece material resulting in increased metal removal rates, improved surface finishes and up to 30 percent longer tool life, according to the company.

Quadro Turnstile

STROTHMANN continuously improves its RoundTrack technology and incorporates customer requirements. Now, the quadro turnstile, the youngest RoundTrack crossing, is even thinner, facilitating an effort-saving in-floor installation.

GT Series

The rotary broach allows machinists to add internal hexagon, square and other forms to precision metal parts. The modern machine shop can benefit from the quick set-up and ease of use available in adjustment free broach holders. The GT Series broach holder from Polygon Solutions has been designed for this purpose, and often eliminates secondary operations.