The Grinding Doc

Author: Jeffrey A. Badger, Ph.D.

Column: Ask The Grinding Doc


Author: Jeffrey A. Badger, Ph.D.

Column: Ask the Grinding Doc Column


Author: Jeffrey A. Badger, Ph.D.

Column: Ask the Grinding Doc Column


Author: Jeffrey A. Badger, Ph.D.

Column: Ask the Grinding Doc Column


Author: Jeffrey A. Badger, Ph.D.

Column: Ask the Grinding Doc Column


Author: Jeffrey A. Badger, Ph.D.

Column: Ask the Grinding Doc Column


Jeffrey Badger shares his journey from mechanical engineering to becoming a leading grinding expert. He discusses his academic background, hands-on experiences in Dublin, and work in England and Sweden. Transitioning to an independent consultant, he highlights his influential research on grinding burn and proposes a Q&A platform for the field…
Jeff Badger, Ph.D., a grinding expert and the author of CTE's Grinding Doc column, provides a practical tour of the Truing Parameters Calculator he helped develop along with Rush Machinery and the International Grinding Institute.
Jeff Badger, Ph.D., a.k.a. The Grinding Doc, describes his three-day High Intensity Grinding Course, which he developed to provide grinders an in-depth understanding of production grinding along with the knowledge and tools to make significant, long-term improvements to their grinding operations.
A collection of episodes from CTE's Grinding Doc video series that are devoted to the subject of dressing.
At The Grinding Doc, we put together this short video with some of our more popular electron-microscope photos. Take a look. It might just change how you see grinding. 
Jeffrey Badger, Ph.D., discusses the grinding principles at work that cause chatter in the 106th episode of The Grinding Doc video series.
After a long hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Grinding Doc video series on Cutting Tool Engineering's website resumes with a special two-hour episode about Cylindrical Master 2020, an Excel program developed by Dr. Jeffrey Badger, aka The Grinding Doc.
Jeffrey Badger, Ph.D., aka The Grinding Doc, offers a light-hearted quick overview of "The Book of Grinding," which he published for shop employees who want to educate themselves about grinding. Watch the 104th episode of the Grinding Doc video series.
Dr. Jeffrey Badger provides a simple, if not pretty, solution to a nasty cylindrical grinding problem — when the side of a grinding wheel meets a flat surface. Watch the 103rd episode of the Grinding Doc video series.
For the 102nd Grinding Doc episode, Dr. Jeffrey Badger covers the impact that thermal softening, residual tensile stresses and rehardening burn have on fatigue life in steel workpieces.
Jeffrey Badger, Ph.D., takes a detailed look at the impact different grinding approaches have on cup wheel wear in the 101st episode of the Grinding Doc video series.
In the 100th episode of CTE's Grinding Doc video series, Dr. Jeffrey Badger discusses his least favorite subject—chatter.
The Grinding Doc helps a shop understand the source of the spiral marks showing up on a part, and offers a potential solution.
The Grinding Doc urges shops to carefully determine where to start their rapid in-feed if they want to reduce cycle time for a cylindrical OD plunge grinding operation.
The Grinding Doc cautions shops about improving coolant in all grinding operations. Depending on the type of grinding and the job requirements, less coolant can be more.
Cutting Tool Engineering's Ask The Grinding Doc columnist, Jeffrey Badger, Ph.D., shares a common gripe among shops faced with the formation of oxidation burn during a grinding operation.
In the second of this two-episode Grinding Doc report, Dr. Jeffrey Badger runs a few numbers to determine a suitable overlap ratio.
In part one of this report, the Grinding Doc acknowledges how maddening dressing can be when diamonds wear away and develop larger and larger flat areas.
Cutting Tool Engineering's Ask the Grinding Doc columnist, Dr. Jeffrey Badger, addresses deflection problems where coolant meets the grind zone.
The Grinding Doc dispels the myth that switching from up grinding to down grinding eliminates burn and cuts wheel wear in half.
Does your measurement device for cylindrically ground workpieces output cryptic displays of UPRs and FFTs? What exactly are “undulations per rev” and “Fourier Transforms”? The 91st episode of the CTE Grinding Doc video series discusses these outputs and what they mean.
The Grinding Doc favors the Q-prime calculation over feed rates when assessing the productivity of a cylindrical grinding operation.
The Grinding Doc examines the forces at work when cylindrical grinding produces round workpieces one minute, then something resembling a fried egg or a flower the next.
Jeffrey Badger, Ph.D., CTE’s Ask The Grinding Doc columnist, explains the cause of what he calls “fish-scale chatter” in the 88th episode of the Grinding Doc video series. Fun fact, there are 4,312 different types of chatter.
How do you know your coolant velocity? The Grinding Doc says the best — and perhaps most accurate — way to determine coolant exit velocity is with the Ol’ Bucket & Stopwatch Technique. It’ll take five minutes and tell you how close you are to wheel speed.
For the 86th episode in the Grinding Doc video series from Cutting Tool Engineering, Dr. Jeffrey Badger encourages shops to true a taper in the wheel when they perform cup wheel grinding.
Watch Cutting Tool Engineering's special three-part video report that follows along as Rush Machinery in Rushville, N.Y., and Jeffrey Badger, Ph.D., a.k.a. the Grinding Doc, collaborate to establish scientific truing parameters. The report encompasses episodes 83, 84 and 85 of CTE's Grinding Doc video series.
For the 84th episode of the CTE Grinding Doc video series, Dr. Jeffrey Badger offers some preliminary results and observations from his work with Rush Machinery to establish scientific truing parameters.
For the 83rd episode of Cutting Tool Engineering's Grinding Doc video series, Dr. Jeffrey Badger visits with Rush Machinery in Rushville, N.Y., to begin a three-part series devoted to establishing scientific truing parameters. With the help of Rush Machinery President Bill Freese, Badger conducts a series of truing tests using the Grinding…
For the 82nd episode of Cutting Tool Engineering's Grinding Doc video series, Dr. Jeffrey Badger explains why using the Barkhausen Noise Signal to assess grinding burn is a tricky business.
Dr. Jeffrey Badger examines why many shops experience pain when cylindrical grinding a face, or shoulder, in the 81st episode of the Ask the Grinding Doc video series, which is produced in collaboration with Cutting Tool Engineering.
Using a Norton SG grit wheel, a shop turned to the Grinding Doc to find out why they suddenly lose form on the 7th or 8th part. To prevent bad parts, the shop dresses the wheel after every 5th part.
A shop sometimes experiences burn when using a CBN wheel to cylindrically plunge-grind a part. Slowing down doesn't help. Dr. Jeffrey Badger, who writes the Ask the Grinding Doc column for Cutting Tool Engineering magazine, offers a remedy.
Dr. Jeffrey Badger, who writes the Ask the Grinding Doc column for Cutting Tool Engineering magazine, offers a closer look at TG grit in the 78th episode of the Grinding Doc video series.
As an independent grinding consultant to companies around the globe, Dr. Jeffrey Badger occasionally is asked if he sees differences in grinding from one country to another.
Jeffrey Badger, Ph.D., addresses the difference between grinding ceramic material versus steel in the 76th episode of the Grinding Doc video series.
A shop contacted the Grinding Doc to find out why it was getting a "horrible" surface finish when it first puts on an electroplated wheel. Dr. Jeffrey Badger, who writes the Ask The Grinding Doc column for Cutting Tool Engineering magazine, explains the issue in the 75th episode of the Grinding Doc video series.
A shop asks Dr. Jeffrey Badger about applying Norton SG grits in the 74th episode of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc video series.
In the 73rd episode of Cutting Tool Engineering's Grinding Doc Video Series, consultant Dr. Jeffrey Badger discusses options for eliminating burr during grinding. Or is it even possible?
Dr. Jeffrey Badger, Cutting Tool Engineering's "Ask the Grinding Doc" columnist, offers some simple advice for detecting whether your wheel has loading.
Dr. Jeffrey Badger explains the significance of “size effect” in the latest episode of the Grinding Doc Video Series.
Is grinding a chip-formation process similar to turning? That's the question fielded by Dr. Jeffrey Badger, grinding consultant and author of the Ask The Grinding Doc column in Cutting Tool Engineering magazine.
Jeffrey Badger, Ph.D., , the host of Cutting Tool Engineering's Grinding Doc Video Series, explains the difference between friable grits and tough grits in the 69th episode of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series.
Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering's Grinding Doc Video Series, helps a shop that appears to be grinding good pistons, but complaints about cracking from the customer suggest otherwise. In his 68th episode, Badger explains what's happening and how the shop could miss potential problems despite inspection efforts.
A shop seeks the Grinding Doc’s advice regarding plans to improve cutting tool quality by improving surface finish in the 67th episode of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series.
A shop asks Dr. Jeffrey Badger, Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's "Ask the Grinding Doc" columnist, whether it's better to take several small, fast passes versus one large, slow pass when pinch-peel grinding tungsten-carbide shafts. Visit The Grinding Doc website for more advice from Dr. Jeffrey Badger at http://www.…
A shop creep-feed grinding hardened steel using a water-based coolant kept running into trouble after grinding for a few hours. Everything would be grinding along fine, but then—WHAM—really bad burn would bring the job to a halt. And the burn wouldn't go away until the shop dressed the wheel again. Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool…
Episode 64 of the Grinding Doc video series: When pushed to use a tri-grit wheel to cup-wheel grind tungsten carbide sawblade teeth, a shop turned to the Grinding Doc for some guidance. About the Grinding Doc Video Series: Thanks to his work as an independent grinding consultant and the author of the "Ask the Grinding Doc" column in…
Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering's Grinding Doc Video Series, offers his take on the effectiveness of scrubber nozzles.
About the Grinding Doc Video Series: Thanks to his work as an independent grinding consultant and the author of the "Ask the Grinding Doc" column in Cutting Tool Engineering magazine…
The Grinding Doc offers insight to a shop worried that it’s wasting abrasive on half-worn electroplated CBN wheels. About the Grinding Doc Video Series: Thanks to his work as an independent grinding consultant and the author of the "Ask the Grinding Doc" column in Cutting Tool Engineering magazine, Dr. Jeffrey Badger routinely receives…
A machine shop turned to Dr. Jefffrey Badger—the Grinding Doc—seeking relief from the painfully long cycle times endured grinding cermets. The Grinding Doc explains what the shop should do to stop the pain. About the Grinding Doc Video Series: Thanks to his work as an independent grinding consultant and the author of the "Ask the Grinding Doc…
Episode 60 of the Grinding Doc Video Series involves a shop that was cylindrical grinding a 50mm diameter part that proved to be out of spec despite in-process gauging that showed otherwise. About the Grinding Doc Video Series: Thanks to his work as an independent grinding consultant and the author of the "Ask the Grinding Doc" column in…
In the 59th episode of our Grinding Doc Video Series, Dr. Jeffrey Badger examines the new Cubitron II grit. The research cited in this episode is described in detail in the April 2014 edition of the Welding Journal. About the Grinding Doc Video Series: Thanks to his work as an independent grinding consultant and the author of the "Ask the…
Dr. Jeffrey Badger helps a shop that's having frequent issues with wheel loading when grinding hardened steel and stainless steel. About the Grinding Doc Video Series: Thanks to his work as an independent grinding consultant and the author of the "Ask the Grinding Doc" column in Cutting Tool Engineering magazine, Dr. Jeffrey Badger …
How close do you need to get the coolant nozzle to the grinding wheel? Dr. Jeffrey Badger offers some direction. About the Grinding Doc Video Series: Thanks to his work as an independent grinding consultant and the author of the "Ask the Grinding Doc" column in Cutting Tool Engineering magazine, Dr. Jeffrey Badger routinely receives…
For one shop, increasing wheel speed when cup-wheel grinding usually reduces wheel wear, but sometimes it increases wear. The shop sought the advice of Dr. Jeffrey Badger in the 56th episode of our Grinding Doc Video Series. About the Grinding Doc Video Series: Thanks to his work as an independent grinding consultant and the author of the "…
Dr. Jeffrey Badger, author of the "Ask the Grinding Doc" column in Cutting Tool Engineering magazine and host of CTE's Grinding Doc Video Series, previews his 3-day High Intensity Grinding Course.
A machinist wrote to Dr. Jeffrey Badger, author of the "Ask the Grinding Doc" column in Cutting Tool Engineering magazine, because the "old-timers" in the shop tell him he has to dress at the same wheel speed he uses to grind. The machinist wanted to know if that was true, and, if so, why? 
A shop surface grinding 12" x 36" plates has to remove 1/8" of material on both sides, but the cycle time is a killer. To find a way to reduce the cycle time, the shop turned to Dr. Jeffrey Badger, author of the "Ask the Grinding Doc" column in Cutting Tool Engineering magazine and the host of our Grinding Doc Video Series.
Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering's Grinding Doc Video Series, offers a checklist for shops contemplating a switch from aluminum oxide to CBN wheels. About the Grinding Doc Video Series: Thanks to his work as an independent grinding consultant and the author of the "Ask the Grinding Doc" column in Cutting Tool…
A coolant supplier having trouble getting customers to try a new product turned to Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering's Grinding Doc Video Series, for some insight into how the supplier could convince shops to change coolant. About the Grinding Doc Video Series: Thanks to his work as an independent grinding consultant…
Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering's Grinding Doc Video Series, fields a question from a shop hoping to find a faster way to find the sweet spot when cylindrical-plunge grinding tugsten-carbide shafts. About the Grinding Doc Video Series: Thanks to his work as an independent grinding consultant and the author of the…
A shop that cylindrical-grinds tungsten-carbide is running into trouble maintaining optimal parameters when switching to a larger diameter. Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering's Grinding Doc Video Series, offers some insight.
A shop seeks relief from the burn experienced during its creep-feed grinding operations. Given that slowing down the feed rate only helped a little, and only for a short time, the shop sought an alternative solution from Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering's Grinding Doc Video Series.
Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering's Grinding Doc Video Series, fields a question from a shop grinding hardened steel with a CBN wheel. Though the shop is using a high-pressure cleaning nozzle, it doesn't seem to help much. The shop wants to know how much pressure they need in the nozzle?
In the 47th episode of Cutting Tool Engineering's Grinding Doc Video Series, the Grinding Doc—Dr. Jeffrey Badger—suggests that a shop look at its dressing policy if it hopes to reduce its wheel consumption.
A shop using electroplated grinding wheels observed a horrible surface finish on the first several parts produced by a new wheel. Though the surface finish gradually improves, the shop turned to the Grinding Doc for a solution to the problem. Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering's Grinding Doc Video Series, takes a look at…
A shop is grinding hardened steel, and periodically switches between a CBN wheel and an aluminum-oxide wheel. Given that the shop is getting pretty much the same material removal rate, surface finish and cycle times with both wheels, the shop is beginning to wonder if it's really worth it to use a CBN wheel. Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of…
For the 44th episode of the Grinding Doc Video Series, a shop recently asked Dr. Jeffrey Badger, Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Ask the Grinding Doc columnist, to settle an argument about the best way to run the dresser when rotary plunge diamond dressing aluminum-oxide wheels.
For the 43rd episode Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, Dr. Jeffrey Badger helps a shop having trouble getting its CBN wheel to open up before it burns the first few hardened steel parts, which then must be scrapped.
Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, addresses how appearances can be deceiving for shops engaging in traverse disc grinding in the 42nd episode of the video series.
Are diamonds a machine shop's best friend? Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, takes a close look at the question in the 41st episode of the video series.
Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, helps a shop that's getting cracking at the corner radius of a tungsten-carbide part in the 40th episode of  the video series.
A shop experiencing on-again, off-again waviness issues during cylindrical OD grinding operations asks Dr. Jeffrey Badger why the problem comes and goes in the 39th episode of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series. Badger, the host of video series, provides some insight.
In this 38th episode of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, host Dr. Jeffrey Badger helps a shop deal with the brown, yellow and blue marks that keep appearing on an unground surface. He addresses the difference between oxidation burn, or rust, and genuine thermal damage.
A shop that grinds tungsten-carbide endmills using a resin-bonded diamond wheel turned to Dr. Jeffrey Badger for the 37th episode of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series because one of the shop's wheel suppliers was talking about Q prime values. According to the supplier, the shop should be using a Q prime value…
A wheel supplier urged a shop to use a 150 mesh grit wheel to put a 0.005" radius into a part, but when the shop went from its 80 mesh grit to the smaller grit the result was horrific chatter. In fact, the shop always gets chatter from small grit wheels. For some explanation, the shop wrote to Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool…
A shop that grinds tungsten carbide with resin-bonded diamond wheels sought help to settle a disagreement over how hard to stick the wheel. Now that there are machines with auto-stickers, shop staffers are even more confused. Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, offers some suggestions…
Dr. Jeffrey Badger, host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, helps a shop determine an appropriate material-removal rate in the 33rd episode of the video series.
Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, discusses the importance of grit size in the 32nd episode of the video series.
Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, fields a question from a shop truing its diamond wheels offline, then remounting them onto the non-tapered spindle without using an adapter. The shop wondered whether its tight wheel tolerances negate the need for an adapter in the 31st episode of…
Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, offers an overview of his Grinder's Toolbox for those who have grown weary of shop floor calculations.
A shop turned to Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, to find out whether rotating the dressing diamond is really necessary. Check out his response in the 29th episode of the video series.
During rotary plunge dressing, a shop worker would like to know if dwelling for 2 seconds is the right amount of time. Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, says it's not a matter of time.
Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, offers some personal preferences in regard to grinding books and literature that could prove useful on the shop floor. Watch the 27th episode of the video series now.
A shop that switched to powder-metallurgy steel after being told it would be easier to grind has found the opposite to be true. For some facts, the shop turned to Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering's Grinding Doc Video Series. Watch the 26th episode now.
A wheel manufacturer recommended that a machine shop switch from brown alumina to white alumina because the latter is more friable. For his 25th episode, Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, analyzes the wisdom of this move.
Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, responds to a shop that performs high-production grinding of small parts and experiences trouble when determining how much to dress a wheel. Watch the 24th episode now.
Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, fields a question from a shop taking smaller and smaller finishing passes and several spark-out passes in order to get tight tolerances and a good surface finish. But the shop is having trouble getting the wheel to bite into the workpiece. All it…
A shop with burn issues wants to know if a high-porosity wheel would reduce temperatures as suggested by the company's wheel supplier. Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, offers some guidance in the 22nd episode of the video series.
For the 21st episode of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, a shop wondered whether it's better to up-grind or down-grind? Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of the video series, responds.
A shop grinding tungsten carbide with a resin-bonded diamond wheel asked the Grinding Doc about the difference between two conditioning sticks purchased from two differrent suppliers. With one stick the shop can do a lot more parts between stickings. Why is this? Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc…
Is minimum quantity lubrication the wave of the future or simply another option shops should keep in mind? Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, responds in the 19th episode of the video series.
A shop experiencing more wheel wear and burn after switching from one high-speed steel grade to another that reportedly offers lower grindability—requiring slower feedrates—seeks a recommendation for a wheel that won't require the shop to increase cycle time. Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding…
One wheel sales guy says finding the sweet spot on a wheel is all about material-removal rates. Another guy keeps talking about wheel speed. A shop turned to Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, to find out who's right in the 17th episode of the video series.
Faced with two machines exactly the same, except that one has a newer spindle, a grinding shop wants to know if there's a way to determine if the newer spindle is stiffer than the older one on the other machine. Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, analyzes the situation in the…
A shop performing continuous-dress, creep-feed grinding on nickel alloys contacted Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, for advice on battling burn while reducing wheel consumption. Check out Badger's response in the 15th episode of the video series.
In the 14th episode of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, Dr. Jeffrey Badger helps a shop that's getting chatter when performing multi-pass cylindrical OD grinding. Though the shop keeps dropping the plunge speeds, nothing seems to help. They ask the host of the Grinding Doc Video Series what they can do? 
Watch the 13th episode of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series as host Dr. Jeffrey Badger fields a question from a shop seeking a recommendation for a wheel that can eliminate burr.
Watch the 12th episode of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series as host Dr. Jeffrey Badger helps a shop decide if it's a bad idea to gauge whether it gets burn by looking for burn marks on the part.
A grinding shop trying to grind a 0.006" radius into a hardened steel part with a 60-grit, vitrified-bond, aluminum-oxide wheel was having trouble with burn and huge chatter. Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, explains how to handle the situation in the 11th episode of the video…
Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, looks at improving coolant velocity for shops running into loading problems with superabrasive wheels. Such wheels are more problematic than aluminum oxide wheels that wear away more readily, Badger reports in the 10th episode of the video series.
Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, tells shops not to be timid when sticking a wheel. By sticking aggressively, shops can do more parts between wheel sticks, the Grinding Doc suggests in the 9th episode of the video series.
Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, urges shops to dress quickly and take deep cuts to reduce cycle times in the 8th episode of the video series.
When cylindrical OD plunge grinding, Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, says you can play around with the parameters without affecting cycle time. Watch the 7th episode of the video series now.
What's a good speed when cylindrical OD traverse grinding? Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, worries less about the speed, more about the percentage of the wheel being used to do the roughing in the 6th episode of the video series.
Thinking about using cluster diamonds? Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, suggests going at least 4x faster than with a single-point diamond in the 5th episode of the video series.
Why are all your parts turning into toast? Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, offers insight into rotary diamond dressing.
Do you have the right grit for a smooth finish? Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, takes a look at a common problem shops have with getting the surface finish that they want in the 3rd episode of the video series.
Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series, fields a question from a shop that hasn't had any luck with ceramic abrasive. Watch the 2nd episode of the video series now.
The debut episode of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine's Grinding Doc Video Series fields a question from a shop wondering about the relationship between coolant velocity versus the flowrate. Dr. Jeffrey Badger, the host of the video series, takes a look at the coolant issue.