"One Source — Many Solutions" takes on added meaning at MAG with the addition of honing capability on MAG's automotive industry machines, according to the company.
Widia has added tool bodies and inserts to its Victory M1200 series for facemilling steel, stainless steel, high-strength steel, cast iron and nonferrous materials.
Shorter cycle times are one way of reducing costs; another way to be more productive actually involves longer cycle times: complete machining in a single setup. Clamping a part only once means reduced costs for fixtures, less time spent on setups for different machines, while improving quality by avoiding reclamping errors. This is exactly where the new vertical milling machine from MAG comes"
Iscar Metals Inc. has expanded its popular HELIDO milling cutter family to optimize facemilling, especially for cast iron. The new HELIDO S865 FSN mill has a 65<sup>o</sup> lead angle to minimize burr formation and edge breakout, which can complicate cast iron applications.
With its left and right spindles and upper and lower turrets, Okuma America Corp. reports that the LT-2000EX-MY horizontal lathe enables complete production on a single machine.
PRAB has recently released an innovative off-set trough design for its ScrapVeyor stamping scrap conveyor to meet the unique space requirements for retrofit in-floor applications.
Heller Machine Tools announced the development of a technically and economically viable feed-out system that uses an additional axis to provide radial feed movement of the tool cutting edge.
For exact machining of thin-walled rings on rotary tables, cylindrical grinding machines, and lathes, Schunk Inc. now offers a vast program of standardized magnetic chucks with radial pole pitch.
Mastercam Art from CNC Software Inc. lets users quickly bring 2D sketches, clip art, photos, and CAD files to 3D life by crafting them on-screen and cutting them with easy, specialized toolpaths.
Gleason Corp. has introduced a new series of Opti-Form Honing Wheels that reduce the time typically required to perform the initial tool dressing by as much as 50 percent, while at the same time improving both the tool life of the honing wheel and the master gear used for dressing.
Bosch Rexroth Corp.'s rapidstar supply unit for metalworking coolant is comprised of a range of low- and high-pressure valve blocks, filters and screw pumps for customized pressure supply in remote systems.