Kennametal Inc.


Kennametal Inc.

Designed for extended tool life and smooth drilling at high metal removal rates, Drill Fix PRO has outboard inserts that feature a wiper geometry for smoother surface finishes and larger coolant channels for high-volume flow. Other platform advancements include the versatility of the four-time indexable cutting edges that offers an extended…
The product expansion includes best-in-class features and advanced technology for metal cutting applications. The launch includes eight products that expand on and support existing platforms in delivering superior performance across multiple applications as well as address common machining challenges
The Blast Ninja reduces air exit velocity while maintaining particle velocity, resulting in a significant reduction in noise production at the source while maintaining blasting production. This proven technology remains Kennametal-manufactured and is now available directly through authorized Kennametal distributors.
Using the 140-degree solid carbide point design from Kennametal’s GOdrill, the KenTIP FS GTP insert allows for multiple machining applications across a range of materials including steel, stainless steel and cast iron. KenTIP FS GTP also features excellent centering capabilities, even at moderate cutting parameters, and low-axial forces. 
KYHK15B provides excellent edge stability, high chipping resistance, and a PVD gold coating makes wear progression identification very easy. From smooth and varying depths of cut to heavy depths of cut, KYHK15B can be an economic alternative to PcBN inserts.
All Beyond Evolution insert styles feature the Triple-V Seating: Tight grip on the back (1) and top & bottom (2) provides maximum stability, especially when operating multidirectional turning and profiling.
KCK20B and KCKP10 are suitable for wet or dry cuts. These include rotor hubs used in windmills, pump housings, steering knuckles and gear housings for heavy equipment, and automotive components like crankshafts and cylinder heads. While KCK20B delivers higher productivity in roughing and semi-finishing operations, KCKP10 is applicable for…
Machining three diameters in one operation, the stator bore tool ensures the alignment and concentricity of the machined surfaces whilst reducing the cycle time significantly. The lightweight 3D printed combination tool enables a faster tool change and spin-up even on less powerful machines. The surface specifications and component tolerances are…
The tangential design of the FIX8 insert features a rigid clamping system that pulls the insert securely into the pocket seat, offering superior stability that enables the insert to withstand large cutting forces and vibrations for optimal performance. The insert is also supported by a replaceable carbide shim, protecting the pocket against…
Drawing on its deep materials science expertise, Kennametal developed KAR85-AM-K to provide corrosion and wear resistant properties analogous to its conventional counterpart grade, CN13S. Combined with Kennametal’s binder jet additive manufacturing capabilities, KAR85-AM-K results in fully densified, corrosion resistant components that meet or…
The HiPACS drilling and countersinking system can be utilized on all machines typically used for aerospace applications. In less stable conditions such as robot end effectors, the diamond coated carbide drills offer excellent tool life and hole quality. PCD-tipped drills, on the other hand, excel in stable conditions such as gantry machines. 
The FBX drill is part of a tooling concept specifically developed to maximize metal removal rates and decrease cycle times when machining aerospace structural components. Quickly removing large amounts of material remains a challenge for these types of components. Traditionally, the first process step is to enter the material by using ramping…
Extremely sharp cutting edges and low-friction rake surfaces eliminate concerns over built-up- edge. Low friction machining also produces superior surfaces in finishing operations, such as reaming. Surface roughness of Ra 0,1–0,8 μm (0.0025–0.02 μ-in) is achievable – far superior to conventional carbide tooling.
he HARVI I TE ball nose end mill is available in two different lengths, both with a diameter range from 2 to 20 mm (1/16" to 1"). The regular length is the first choice for 3D copy milling operations, while the long version offers sufficient length-of-cut (up to 4sD) for many applications, including shoulder milling when wall and floor…
The drill’s patented point thinning, special gashing, and a 143°-point angle provide excellent self- centering capabilities and reduce thrust, keeping the drill running straight even at the highest feed rates. In addition, four margin lands deliver maximum stability when drilling cross holes and inclined exits.
With fixed and adjustable pocket seats, the new milling cutter provides the option for semi-finishing as well as fine-finishing applications, exceeding the highest surface quality requirements. With carbide, ceramic and PcBN inserts, this new tool is a flexible, cost-effective and user-friendly solution that is ideal for any type of CNC machining…
Drilling flat-bottom holes is a challenge. So is drilling on inclined or curved surfaces, drilling into cross holes, drilling stacked plates, and drilling into cross holes, stacked plates and castings and other rough surfaces. Not anymore. Leveraging the success of its KenTIP FS modular drill, Kennametal has developed a unique insert geometry (FEG…
Kennametal has developed a 3D-printed stator bore tool to meet growing customer demand for lighter weight tooling solutions used to machine components for hybrid and electric vehicles. E-mobility components are typically machined on small, low-horsepower CNC machining centers that require lighter weight tooling solutions. Kennametal’s 3D printed…
Kennametal introduced another high-performance cutting tool, the B21*SGL solid-carbide drill with through-coolant. Designed for stainless steel, nickel and cobalt-based alloys, the B21*SGL with patented point geometry and monolayer PVD AlTiN coating, delivers improved productivity and longer tool life for aerospace and energy applications…
Kennametal announced the latest addition to its HARVI line of high-performance solid endmills, the HARVI I TE 4-flute solid-carbide endmill. With a radical new design, the HARVI I TE delivers outstanding performance in a broad range of materials, including steel, stainless steel, high-temperature alloys and cast iron. And thanks to significantly…
Kennametal announced its latest innovation in hard turning, KBH10B and KBH20B PCBN grades, double-sided inserts for materials up to 65 HRC. The new grades deliver high productivity and long tool life when turning tool steels and other hardened materials.
Kennametal announced its latest innovation in high-velocity aluminum roughing, the KOR 5 solid-carbide endmill. With this 5-flute endmill table feed rates increase up to 66% compared to commonly used 3-flute tools—redefining productivity for aircraft manufacturers and their suppliers.
Kennametal announced an expansion of the turret-adapted clamping units (TACU): ER-ready driven units in conjunction with a line of solid ER collets that are threaded to accept screw-on milling cutters.
Kennametal announced its new Mill 4-12KT, the next generation of tangential shoulder mills, producing high quality floor surface finishes for nearly all steel and cast iron applications.
Kennametal’s latest weapon in the war on chatter is one that will have machinists everywhere saying, “I need that.” The new boring system boasts the most effective antichatter mechanism ever developed by Kennametal, and also offers an extensive range of indexable heads and shank sizes.
The Kennametal APX series of ROCTEC nozzles provide 20 percent greater life than the industry-leading ROCTEC 500 waterjet series, which already significantly outperforms other conventional tungsten carbide nozzles. The APX nozzles are suitable for use in precision cutting applications where long, uninterrupted cuts or close tolerances must be…
Imagine burying a roughing tool in a block of Ti-6Al-4V titanium and ripping away more than 1,000 cm3 (61 cubic inches) of material in just one minute. If you’d been at a recent test of Kennametal’s new HARVITM Ultra 8X helical milling cutter, you’d have seen exactly that. Using a 95 mm (3.74 in.) axial depth of cut, 20 mm (0.78 in.) radially, and…
If you’ve ever struggled with inserts coming loose during a slotting operation, keep reading. How about inconsistent slot widths, fumbling with awkward screws and inserts on a slotting cutter, or having to use a piece of shim stock to pry wedged chips from deep inside a slotted workpiece? These are just a few of the problems machinists face when…
KBH10 is an uncoated PCBN turning insert that offers exceptional wear resistance and very low cutting forces. As a result, many customers are now enjoying double the tool life together with improved part quality.
Reaching deep inside a workpiece to drill holes can be a real bear. You’ve tried taper length and aircraft drills, but even those made of solid carbide are apt to wander when hanging out of the chuck unsupported.
As machine tools become increasingly complex and the need to produce parts in less time grows, CNC lathe owners and managers must look to the latest technologies if they’re to improve shop floor efficiency. Isn’t it ironic then that one of the most productive of these solutions is far from new—in fact, it’s been a champion in the war on machine…
It started in 2015, when engineers at a major U.S.-based aircraft manufacturer kicked-off a challenge to determine which cutting tool manufacturer offers the best products for milling forged Ti-6Al-4V titanium. The company invited Kennametal and 10 other global tooling suppliers to the University of Sheffield’s Advanced Manufacturing Research…
Iron’s everywhere. The turbines in those big windmills popping up all over the place. Engine blocks, transmission cases, and turbocharger housings. The pumps that bring water to our faucets and the hydraulic manifolds that put the “move” into earthmoving machinery. Without iron, none of these would be possible. This is why Kennametal has produced…
DUO-LOCK from Kennametal Inc. is a modular endmill with the performance of solid carbide. It uses a proprietary, double-cone locating surface similar to that of Kennametal’s KM or KM4X tooling design, assuring “not to exceed” radial runout values of 5 μm (.0002 in.) and Z-axis coupling repeatability of 10 μm (.0004 in.) or better.
Customers have been asking for a new carbide grade to machine titanium 6Al4V at higher cutting speeds compared to increasing feed rates or increasing depth of cuts in that result in increased cutting forces imposed on the workpiece, fixtures and machine spindles. The KCSM40 grade has an advance cobalt binder that provides thermal fatigue…
Some good ideas can be made even better. Much better. This was certainly the case when Kennametal engineers took the strength and versatility of their proven KSEM modular drill system and combined it with the ease of use and low feed forces of its smaller companion drill, KenTIP, the company reports. The resulting fusion of these advanced…
As automakers strive for increasingly fuel efficient and environmentally friendly vehicles, they’re turning away from traditional iron favorites such as gray and ductile iron (GCI and DCI) to compacted graphite iron, or CGI. Also known as vermiculate graphite iron, CGI’s mechanical attributes meet or exceed its counterparts, sometimes drastically…
Anyone who’s replaced a head gasket on an internal combustion engine knows a smooth, flat surface on both cylinder head and block is needed for proper operation. No one understands this better than automakers, who strive for predictable, controlled surface finishes and high production output, together with maximum tool life and the lowest tooling…
Kennametal Inc. says the bending moment of KM4X is substantially higher than any tooling interface available on the market, superior even to Kennametal’s own KM design. Kennametal has announced the KM4X tooling family has gained a 63 mm sibling, one aimed at a broader machine tool platform and, therefore, greater availability to the machining…
Kennametal is expanding its Mill 4 family with a new cutting tool, the Mill 4-11. Designed for smaller machining centers, the Mill 4-11 accommodates 40-taper CAT and BT, HSK 50 and similarly-sized spindles. Due to its free-cutting capabilities, it is ideal for successful metal removal in less-than-rigid setups and on light-duty machine tools,…
Back in 2014, Kennametal announced a technology partnership with Haimer for the development of a modular cutting tooling system. Since that time, the company has been busy developing, testing, and building inventory of DUO-LOCK, which promised even then to be “the most rigid and most precise interface in the marketplace.”
Today it’s even…
Beyond Drive from Kennametal comes in a range of grades and geometries.
Manufacturers and quality professionals requiring high-precision components such as automotive fuel systems and powertrains are under constant pressure to deliver the utmost quality efficiently. Consequently, Kennametal Precision Surface Solutions is announcing Extrude Hone EVO, the next generation of electrochemical machining solutions featuring…
Fuel system manufacturers seeking the best fuel performance require flexible high-flow grinding and high-flow test capabilities to achieve finely tuned orifices in numerous design variations. To this end, Kennametal Precision Surface Solutions is announcing EXTRUDE HONE MF PROGRESS, the next generation of flow tuning and flow measurement featuring…
With among the highest levels of transmittable torque due to a more compact design, featuring a 40 percent thicker front-wall cross-section, the new HydroForce HT universal hydraulic chuck from Kennametal is a cost-effective chucking solution that simplifies inventory while maximizing tool life and machining results for milling, drilling, reaming…
A better operation starts with better tools. Since its launch in 2013, Kennametal's NOVO digital process planning application has continued growing by supplying complete tool data and process knowledge electronically, reportedly saving process planners, cost estimators, and manufacturing engineers countless hours of catalog lookups and…
Kennametal continues to seize the productivity-building potential of NOVO by launching a new service offering combining its vending solution, ToolBOSS and its cloud-enabled digital tooling and process knowledge vehicle NOVO.
Kennametal's new asymmetric line-boring solution increases machining robustness, process speeds, and bore quality, and reduces tool maintenance and handling.
An established global leader and an agile expanding start-up. A leading provider of wear-resistant solutions, while concurrently a pioneer in delivering digital data solutions of real value. A manufacturer and at the same time a service provider, all these describe Kennametal, a company continuing to expand and re-conceive its services portfolio…
Kennametal's NOVO digital process planning application has continued growing by supplying complete tool data (milling, turning, holemaking, tools, toolholders, spare parts, speeds and feeds, and much more) digitally, saving process planners, parts estimators, and manufacturing engineers hours of catalog lookups and process guesswork.
Late last year, Kennametal finalized its acquisition of the tungsten materials business from Allegheny Technologies Inc., including the full line of Stellram metalworking tools.
The GOdrill, Kennametal's first microdrill, works with multiple applications and effective drills multiple materials.
With approximately 25 percent longer tool life, the new KCSM30 milling grade from Kennametal directly reduces cost-per-part for shops working on titanium, according to the company.
New stack drill from Kennametal for aerospace composite/titanium stacks can operate with through-coolant or without for superior chip evacuation.
New Beyond MR (medium roughing) inserts from Kennametal a synergy of geometry and grade, with smooth cutting action and higher wear resistance among the results.
With its new Beyond grade of fine-grain carbide and unique point geometry, the new HPS solid-carbide drill from Kennametal is reportedly achieving excellent metal-removal rates and long tool life, making it an ideal tool for holemaking in aluminum.
With eight cutting edges, the new KSSM8+ face milling platform from Kennametal is focused on maximum metal-cutting performance in cast irons and steel workpieces at a low cost.
Advanced hard turning, or the use of superhard polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PCBN) cutting tools for machining hardened ferrous materials like cast irons, is eagerly sought across a number of key manufacturing industries. Hundreds of millions of brakes discs, brake drums, flywheels, and wheel hubs are required annually in motor vehicle,…
By combining high clamping force and optimized interference levels, Kennametal says its new KM4X100 provides a robust connection, extremely high stiffness, and bending load capacity for greatly improved performance in machining high-strength alloys and other materials.
Experienced manufacturers know that when milling, three main considerations predominate: metal removal rate, tool life, and surface finish. All three are critical to successful metalworking, but often one will predominate. Manufacturers facing parts requiring 90-degree shoulders also know that achieving true 90-degree shoulders and minimizing the…
Tool selection, tool configuration, and the best applicable tooling advice based on the customer's part and process requirements are all at the touch of a few mouse clicks in Kennametal's revolutionary NOVO.
ATI Stellram based at Ibstock U.K. have introduced a multi-purpose range of ceramic abrasives.
Romicron fine-boring systems from Kennametal allow users to dial in extremely close tolerances while the tool is mounted in the machine tool, saving time and easing training.
New Beyond KYS40-grade solid ceramic endmills from Kennameta are presenting orders-of-magnitude improvements in machining high-strength nickel-based alloys, roughing at cutting speeds up to 3,300 SFM (1000 m/min) with tool life two to three times longer than comparable solid-carbide tools.
These five new Stellram NL turning grades are specifically engineered to provide optimal performance in a given application and workpiece material resulting in increased metal removal rates, improved surface finishes and up to 30 percent longer tool life, according to the company.
For manufacturers facing complex or stringent machining or finishing issues, electrochemical machining (ECM) is a notable process by which material can be removed inµm increments, reaching areas unreachable by other methods. To support the ECM process, Kennametal Extrude Hone has designed an electrolyte cleaning unit called HYDROM as an add-on to…
One of the most fundamental keys to running an efficient and cost-effective plant is having the right tool in the right place at the right time. While the cost of a milling or turning insert may range from a few dollars to significant investment, not having that tool available when needed can shut down an entire production line or more, resulting…
UltraFlex, a new portfolio of wear-resistant surface treatments from Kennametal, brings industry-leading wear performance to components with complex geometries in power generation, oil and gas, and many other industries.
The "Kennametal Innovations" app features interactive, cutting-edge animations and real-world demonstrations of Kennametal's productivity-enhancing technologies for machining and industrial processes.
The KSRM line of cutters is a new, multipurpose milling solution from Kennametal specifically engineered for titanium and stainless steel applications.
Kennametal introduces the revolutionary new Rodeka series of inserts for indexable milling.
The new KenFeed 2X milling solution from Kennametal is the latest development in high-feed for light to heavy end milling operations.
Kennametal Inc. introduces a new line of innovative, expandable, high performance reamers. RMB-E monobloc and RHM-E modular reamers are accurate, easy-to-use, expansion tools.
The simple but effective KSEM PLUS modular system from Kennametal Inc. that combines the benefits of the KSEM modular drill (high feeds and length-to-diameter [L/D] ratios) with the benefits of an indexable drill (high speeds and low consumable costs) is for drilling large diameter applications.
As the latest complement to the Mill 1 platform for finishing operations, Mill 1-7 is Kennametal's solution for finishing in small diameter milling.
KM4X from Kennametal represents the next generation of KM.
New Beyond grades from Kennametal are delivering higher productivity for turning tough alloys, both in higher speeds and feeds (faster turnaround time) and longer tool life (more parts per tool).
Kennametal is introducing the new BeyondTM KCPM20 grade indexable milling insert, specially engineered for high-speed dry machining in light to medium milling of steel and stainless steel parts under stable conditions.
Kennametal is introducing its next-generation spindle connection, KM4X.
With years of experience providing custom cutting tool solutions to aerospace and other composites users, Kennametal is now introducing a line of Beyond solid-carbide KCN05 routers specifically engineered for successfully machining CFRP.
Kennametal is introducing new high-performance HSS-E-PM (powder metal) Beyond taps for large-diameter tapping.
Kennametal is introducing the first Beyond inserts for Kennametal's FixPerfect system, promising improved toughness and wear-resistance, resulting in higher turning productivity and safety.
Kennametal Inc.'s Beyond Blast tools channel coolant through the insert at the interface of the cutter and insert.
ATI Stellram introduces the RSM solid-carbide endmill for machining walls, pockets and surfaces in titanium aerospace components.
ATI Stellram introduces a new chevron-style milling cutter, the Stellram 5230VS12, designed specifically for machining titanium and other difficult to machine materials, such as nickel-based alloys ands cobalt-based alloys.
ATI Stellram has introduced the 7792VXE16 high-feed shell mill cutter for machining titanium and nickel- and cobalt-base alloys.
Kennametal Inc.'s Beyond Blast inserts channel coolant through the insert to the milling cutter/insert interface.
The innovative Beyond platform of high-performance tool grades from Kennametal has garnered exceptional reviews from customers worldwide. Now the company is introducing the first Beyond inserts for holemaking applications.
New shrink-fit toolholders for machining centers and multitask machines are available from Kennametal Inc. The shrink-fit program is split into two lines. The GP (General Purpose) line for carbide, HSS and steel shanks can be accommodated with clamping torques suitable for most general machining tasks.
The new Beyond line of high-performance turning products from Kennametal Inc. now includes two new geometries in round inserts for improved productivity in turning steel, stainless steels, cast irons and high-temperature alloys: RU (Roughing Universal) and UP (Universal Positive).
A new turning geometry for the finish turning of components manufactured from steel to the most difficult-to-machine materials, such as high-temperature alloys, has been launched by ATI Stellram.
Kennametal Inc. has joined ModuleWorks' Strategic Partner Program. This program is a collective commitment to driving intelligent and integrated digital manufacturing solutions.
Indiana job shop cuts insert costs in half and triples tool life with Beyond Evolution grooving and cut-off tools, according to a case study submitted by Kennametal Inc.
The metal cutting tools market was valued at $80.87 billion in 2023, and is expected to reach $113.04 billion by 2030, exhibiting a CAGR of 4.9 % during the forecast period (2024-2030), according to a new report from the research firm of Maximize Market Research Pvt. Ltd.
No one can predict the future of manufacturing, but those who supply tooling, software or equipment are closer to the ins and outs of the manufacturing industry than most. This gives them an almost prescient ability to forecast what’s coming down the pipe, offer recommendations on what manufacturers need to be successful in these turbulent times…

Author: Alan Richter

Column: Feature Article


Author: Alan Richter

Column: Feature Article


Author: William Leventon

Column: Feature Article


Author: William Leventon

Column: Feature Article


Author: Ken Schnepf

Column: Look Ahead Department



Column: Productive Times


Author: Kip Hanson

Column: Feature Article


Author: Alan Richter

Column: Feature Article


Author: Michael C. Anderson

Column: Feature Article


Author: Evan Jones Thorne

Column: Feature Article


Author: Alan Richter

Column: Feature Article



Column: Feature Article


The webinar, which is based on the "Tiny Drillers" feature published in the August issue of Cutting Tool Engineering magazine, delves deeper into the products and strategies recommended for deep-hole microdrilling by Kennametal Inc. and Sandvik Coromant Co. In addition, a representative from MAQ AB discussed the company's vibration-…
Kennametal debuts two new PCBN insert grades with double-sided inserts for materials up to 65 HRC. The KBH10B and KBH20B PCBN grades are said to deliver high productivity and long tool life when turning tool steels and other hardened materials.
Kennametal Inc. has developed a 3D-printed Stator Bore Tool to meet growing customer demand for lighter weight tooling solutions used to machine components for hybrid and electric vehicles.
Kennametal's latest addition to its HARVI line of high-performance solid endmills, the HARVI I TE 4-flute solid-carbide endmill features a radical new design.
KenTIP FS is suitable for many challenging operations. Chain hole drilling in steel is one of them.
Nick Gaten, director of global product management for turning products at Kennametal Inc., discusses the new 10-to-1 boring bar system. It features vibration-free boring bars with bolt-on heads.
Cutting Tool Engineering visited with Kennametal Inc. during IMTS 2016 at Chicago's McCormick Place. Bill Redman, global product manager of tooling systems for Kennametal Inc., outlines the key features of the company's latest spindle and tooling connection system, the KM4X.
Automaker BMW challenged the Kennametal Inc. to develop a tool that accentuates the advantages of reaming and line boring while virtually eliminating the disadvantages. Kennametal accepted the task and developed its asymmetric line boring bar, which has two guide pads positioned so they only contact the last journal. This enables the boring bar to…
Kennametal shows a side-by-side comparison of its KM-Micro/Mini quick-change system versus a standard tool in this 2-minute demonstration, courtesy of Kennametal. While the KM-Micro/Mini tool change is complete in just half a minute, the standard tool requires 2 minutes to change, set up and gage the tool.
In this 2-minute side-by-side comparison, Kennametal shows its KM-Micro/Mini tool being changed in just half a minute versus a standard tool requiring 2 minutes to change, set up and gage.
Mike Ramsey, vice president of Global MTI Sales at Kennametal Inc., provides an overview of the company's new KM4X spindle connection system, which is said to triple the bending resistance compared to other systems.
Scott Etling, manager of Global Product Management for Kennametal Inc.'s indexable milling products, discussed the company's Dodeka face mills and Rodeka copy mills for a CTEplus video report shot during IMTS 2012.
Dr. Tilo Krieg, director of Global Holemaking and Solid Endmilling Products at Kennametal Inc., offers an overview of the KSEM Plus, which combines the advantages of modular drills with indexable milling inserts on the outside diameter.
Kennametal Inc. CEO Carlos Cordoso shares the company's plans to help resolve the looming shortfall in the manufacturing workforce. Plus, Cordoso discusses the industry's economic state and Kennametal's focus on helping customers find total solutions as opposed to another tool sale.
Take a tour of the interactive displays at Kennametal Inc.'s Experience Zone at the imX event at the Las Vegas Convention Center Sept. 12-14.
Check out this brief video from Kennamental Inc. showing a side-by-side comparison of an HSS tap vs. a solid-carbide tap. The video accompanies CTE's August cover story on selecting the right tap for different workpiece materials. The split-screen video demonstrates the significant productivity advantage of the first solid carbide tap…
The practice of turning threads on a lathe is well known but oftennot well-understood. Toolmakers offer their recommendations on how todo it the right way. By Bill Kennedy There are nearly as many ways to produce threads as there are types of parts that require them. Threads can be cut with a die, rolled, ground, tapped or milled, using lathes,…
Cutting Tool Engineering Editor Alan Richter sat down with Carlos Cardoso, the chairman, president and CEO of Kennametal Inc., at the recent IMTS 2008 show in Chicago. The 7-minute report addresses Kennametal's goals for diversification and expansion globally, and how that has impacted the company's worldwide sales. Cardoso also notes…

People & Companies

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CNC Software Inc., Tolland, Conn., developer of Mastercam, partnered with Kennametal Inc., Latrobe, Pa., to provide customers with the ability to quickly import tool assemblies from Novo directly into Mastercam 2018.
Kennametal Appoints Sanjay Chowbey as President & CEO effective June 1, 2024; Christopher Rossi to Retire on May 31
Kennametal Inc. has named David Bersaglini vice president of Kennametal Inc. and president of the Metal Cutting segment.
Kennemetal is taking its innovative and industry-leading solutions on tour of some 36 cities across the country.

Kennametal Inc. announced that Katie Myers, product manager, marketing, and Zhuqing Wang, staff engineer, materials science have been recognized as a 2024 Emerging Leader and Women MAKE Award Honoree respectively by The Manufacturing Institute.
Cheryl Bush, Director of Global Strategic Pricing at Kennametal Inc., Latrobe, Penn., recently received honors at the 4th Women in Manufacturing STEP (Science, Technology, Engineering and Production) Awards, which is presented by The Manufacturing Institute.
Kennametal Inc. has partnered with the American Precision Museum (APM) in Windsor, Vermont, which is home to one of the largest collections of historically significant machine tools in the country.
Kennametal Inc. has resumed operations at its facility in Rogers, Arkansas, following a previous shutdown due to damage from a tornado on May 26.